Do you know how to use chopsticks?

Do you know how to use chopsticks?

  • Yes

    Votes: 28 87.5%
  • No

    Votes: 4 12.5%

  • Total voters


Active Member
I swear I must be the only person in Hawaii that doesn't know how to use chopsticks.
When I go to a Japanese or Chinese restaurant, there are even white people and black people using chopsticks, and I'm the only one asking for a goddamn fork! And I'm Asian! I mean we're suppose to know how to use chopsticks right? And also know Kung Fu? (sarcasm)
What's weird is that I can play piano and guitar, but for the life of me, I can't pick up a damn thing with chopsticks!
But anyway, how is it for you people on the mainland U.S.? (and other countries)
Do you guys know how to use chopsticks?


Well-Known Member
yup had several Japanese friends whose Mom only used them and she was a great cook we learned how to use to use them to eat at their house!
Her daughter also taught me how to do some origami (this was 30+ years ago) and I can still build a inflatable origami box.


Just practice. My 3 yr old is learning w a pair a friend brought back from Japan. They have a rubber thing at the top tying them together so they are easier to handle. I couldn't eat with them and then suddenly I was OK and now I am pretty good. Just lots of eating South East Asian and Japanese food :D


Well-Known Member
Its easy once you get the hang. Maybe your doing it wrong? use your thumb and pointer finger and nestle it between your pointer finger and middle finger


Well-Known Member
what kind of asian are you? I'm white and its so easy I did have a Thai girl show me how though before that I used chopsticks to stab my food. lol


Well-Known Member
I managed to eat dinner using chopsticks at Roy's in Las Vegas wearing my best suit and didn't spill a drop. I was very proud of myself.


Well-Known Member
At least half of my meals are eaten with chopsticks. They have their own place in my utensil drawer.

And I could probably jump kick over your head.


Well-Known Member
I probably eat 90% of my dinners with chopsticks. Beings my wife cooks 90% of the dinners.

If you go to China and can formidably use chopsticks, your status is elevated from tourist to magician/god. No joke.


Well-Known Member
I can use chopsticks better than a fork and knife. :-( It's really sad.

I learned in Japan, was out with friends, ordered some food, and they refused to allow me to eat with silverware.


Well-Known Member
I want to now how anyone can use the fucking things to eat rice with? I have to bring the plate up to my mouth, and shovel the shit in. I guess that's because I'm Irish.


Well-Known Member
I probably eat 90% of my dinners with chopsticks. Beings my wife cooks 90% of the dinners.

If you go to China and can formidably use chopsticks, your status is elevated from tourist to magician/god. No joke.
Lucky you! My wife works nights a lot and that's usually when I use chopsticks, because I have to cook. Otherwise she prefers Mexican dishes.


Well-Known Member
Lucky you! My wife works nights a lot and that's usually when I use chopsticks, because I have to cook. Otherwise she prefers Mexican dishes.
Yep, my wife ain't working at the moment. Just doing the full time mom thing. I say just in jest. It's not easy. But she still manages to do the dinner thing for me. She too just exclusively cooks Chinese food. Which is fine by me. She can grill up a pretty good steak too actually.


Well-Known Member
Everytime I go to the Chinese food buffet,I gotta eat with chopsticks,I refuse to use silverware there. I have smoked using them,much akin to the roachclip,though more skill is necessary if you dont want to inhale or drop your roach.