do you have a pH problem?


Active Member
well, I have 1 remaining female plant from my 4. 2 were male 1 was hermie. I decided to buy a pH tester today for water, and found the pH of the water i was using was 7.9. I know cannabis prefers a pH around 6.8

does anyone think this was slowing the growth of my plants?
im at 2 weeks flower, so i have a ways to go before harvest.
also, i wanted to see something, sorta like an experiment.
i ran my tap water (which i was using for watering) through a PUR water filter pitcher.
this changed the pH from 7.9 to 6.7

im going to be using filtered tap water from now on.
just thought this may be helpful.

anyones 2 cents is appreciated.



Active Member
the actuall prefered range is 5.8-6.2* but you can use a couple drops of fresh lemon juice, or vinegar to lower the ph.. but notice that the vinegar should be new, cause after a while of storage, vinegar starts to ferment into something that can be harmful if not fatal to your plants.. so try a new bottle.. a couple drops until it reads just about 6.0* that should work quite well & trust me, theyll love youu for it!


Active Member
thanks. sounds good to me. i have a bottleof lemon juice in the fridge. does it matter if its a little old? its been there almost 2 months.


Well-Known Member
The lemon juice should be fine . i had that same problem on my first grow . Now i use ro water . My tap has a strong buffer in it very hard to lower the ph so I buy ro and it ph's down easy with lemon juice.


Active Member
thanks again. me being a cheap ass and not wanting to buy water when i have it from the tap is my main problem. haha. but i think ill be alright. now that i have this tester, ill be able to know if the pH is off, therefore i wont harm the plant with unbalanced water.


New Member
its amazin how ph is so important i started my grow never thought i would have a ph of 7.9 i nearly chit
thank god i only watered once but it was noticable on my plant dropped ph to 6.0 and my plants litterally grew 3 " over night
im on week 1 and my yellowing went away as well only showin on a few hee haw


Well-Known Member
Did you test the run off with the pH tester? Was the plant growing funky or anything like that?


Active Member
no i didnt test the runoff. plant seemed to be growing fine the whole way through. it might have been slowed or stunted for some time but besides that it was doing fine.