Do Try This at Home!


Well-Known Member
I gave this a try this morning and was blown away. [video=youtube;WYNLbUDYn0I][/video]

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Doing it that way makes for a whole lot of effort for a silly small amount of hash. When you have natural kief buildups from lots of use of your grinder, that's one thing, but not as a method of making hash.


Well-Known Member
Doing it that way makes for a whole lot of effort for a silly small amount of hash. When you have natural kief buildups from lots of use of your grinder, that's one thing, but not as a method of making hash.
I just thought I'd try something new with kief instead of just scrapping it on top of bowl packs. Really wasn't that much work, already had a little kief stash. Guess one man's okay idea is another man's dumb ass idea :mrgreen:

Smucker G

Active Member
Sounds like some people ran out of smoke today. I thought the idea was ok. Even if you thought it was a lame idea the guy posted it to share with all of us. I wonder how many good ideas get kept off these boards in fear of being put down over them.
Thanks for the vid gopher

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
kief turned into hash is not a ground breaking idea, it's been around for a while, and kief catchers in grinders are there for a reason.


Well-Known Member
kief turned into hash is not a ground breaking idea, it's been around for a while, and kief catchers in grinders are there for a reason.
Yeah and growing's been around since the start of time. I've been smoking since I was teenager and bought my first grinder just months ago. Just started growing a year and half ago and this is the first I've just had a kief stash sitting around. People share thier grow ideas and don't get this much grief. I just thought I'd share something I found with fellow noobie growers (hence posting in newbie central). Tell you what my friend if this thread is not your bag, just walk away. I respect your knowledge and have used your advice from others threads and mean no spite, I just don't understand your beef with this thread


Well-Known Member
So whats your point? Being a dick isn't ground breaking either but I don't see anyone pointing that out to you. Well not before this post.
Great video, just shows how to make simple need for hating.

And Off topic: Smucker I wish i was on shakedown street....too sad for the place, it was a beautiful.