Do People Get Busted When They Post Pics?


I am planning on doing a stealth install. Ive done the research and really want to do it. The illegality of growing is only obstacle. I have no moral problems with it, in fact the prohibition of weed, while alcohol can be purchased is hypocrisy.

In fact, I dont like the corporate, alcohol and caffeine driven world, and growing ones own pot to not buy alcohol seems almost heroic.

Again, not too keeen on buying weed because small chance of risk, and its expensive.

I'm pretty reclusive (few people come over), and no one else will see my op.

I plan to have small grows (< 1000W), good ventilation, and good odor control, so no one is going to see it or smell it. . .

Except that I want to post a grow log w/ pics.

Seems like this little bit of vanity could introduce some chance of risk. Chance I dont really want to take. My life has been 98% legal to this point, but because I want weed and dont think its a crime, and KNOW its safe, I want to grow. I honestly dont even know the laws.

As it is, my ISP could use my IP address to trace to my name and physical address.

So theoretically, posting pics and admitting to doing this online is the only thing that could get me caught.

So anyone ever get busted for pics?


Well-Known Member
Just don't include your face, location or anything that could give away who you are and where you live. You'll be fine. Not to mention there's no way anyone can be sure that YOU uploaded any pictures......even if they did come from your PC


Just don't include your face, location or anything that could give away who you are and where you live. You'll be fine. Not to mention there's no way anyone can be sure that YOU uploaded any pictures......even if they did come from your PC
Thanks. I might go to a coffee house and upload from another IP.

Or may do nothing at all. :)

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
I've never heard of such a thing. I think law enforcement is busy with more serious crimes in their neighborhood, using more reliable leads. Remember you can't be forced to incriminate yourself, and there are still privacy laws.

IP gives a general location as far as I know, but it's probably best not to grow where you post from, unless you're a legal grow op.

What law enforcement agency has the resources to checkout the 1000's of posters on the pot boards, and who would be in charge of rounding up pot heads from across the country, the department of homeland security?


Active Member
In anycase, I very much doubt ANY agency would waste their time to try to go after people who post on a site, such as this one, when at least 1/4 of it's present poster aren't even from the states.

I for one, almost wouldn't mind putting my face up, with my plant. But tell yourself this. If people can go on youtube, and show themselves smoking weed, snorting cocaine, and other things, and NOT get arrested, I highly doubt your small growing op would even make it to their low-dar.

green fan

Active Member
In anycase, I very much doubt ANY agency would waste their time to try to go after people who post on a site, such as this one, when at least 1/4 of it's present poster aren't even from the states.

I for one, almost wouldn't mind putting my face up, with my plant. But tell yourself this. If people can go on youtube, and show themselves smoking weed, snorting cocaine, and other things, and NOT get arrested, I highly doubt your small growing op would even make it to their low-dar.
Well said!


Well-Known Member
and if you did post a pic of you and your plants. whos to say that isnt your neighbors plant you took a pic with or anyone elses for that matter. so grow your own keep it to yourself you'll be just fine


Active Member
yeah you have nothing to worry about, nothing will happen if you post pics, i wouldnt even be worried about getting caught growing unless i had an insane amount of plants.


New Member
In anycase, I very much doubt ANY agency would waste their time to try to go after people who post on a site, such as this one, when at least 1/4 of it's present poster aren't even from the states.

I for one, almost wouldn't mind putting my face up, with my plant. But tell yourself this. If people can go on youtube, and show themselves smoking weed, snorting cocaine, and other things, and NOT get arrested, I highly doubt your small growing op would even make it to their low-dar.
It does happen all the time, just google you tube cannabis arrest.

YouTube cannabis arrest A cannabis grower got himself arrested after posting videos of his crop on YouTube.
Officers saw footage on the website documenting the stages of growth at his home in Bridgwater, Somerset.
The 25-year-old man made his arrest even easier after posting the clips under his real name, reports Metro.
Police searched the house and seized one large cannabis plant and hydroponics equipment.
PC Adrian Peck said: "He had been videoing the growth of the plant over a number of months and uploading his horticultural endeavours onto the site to document it - providing us with fairly conclusive evidence.
"The cultivation of cannabis is illegal. If you break the law and are foolish enough to then advertise your criminal activities on the internet, it makes it very easy for the police to catch you."
Police said the cannabis produced by the single plant could have had a potential street value of up to £500. Both the plant and growing equipment will be destroyed.
The man admitted the offence of cultivating cannabis, now a Class B drug, and rec


Active Member
It does happen all the time, just google you tube cannabis arrest.

YouTube cannabis arrest A cannabis grower got himself arrested after posting videos of his crop on YouTube.
Officers saw footage on the website documenting the stages of growth at his home in Bridgwater, Somerset.
The 25-year-old man made his arrest even easier after posting the clips under his real name, reports Metro.
Police searched the house and seized one large cannabis plant and hydroponics equipment.
PC Adrian Peck said: "He had been videoing the growth of the plant over a number of months and uploading his horticultural endeavours onto the site to document it - providing us with fairly conclusive evidence.
"The cultivation of cannabis is illegal. If you break the law and are foolish enough to then advertise your criminal activities on the internet, it makes it very easy for the police to catch you."
Police said the cannabis produced by the single plant could have had a potential street value of up to £500. Both the plant and growing equipment will be destroyed.
The man admitted the offence of cultivating cannabis, now a Class B drug, and rec
I WAS talking about smoking it, though.

But ok, wrong example. What I mean to say is that if you use your real name on internet to post this type of stuff, which is obviously illegal in most countries, then that's just simply being VERY reckless.

If you do want to take pictures, and so on, even videos, don't start saying "Hey, my name is George, who lives in Summersault, Argona, and this is how I grow weed."

Upon a little more investigation of the whole arrest thing, the man DID inculpate himself by revealing himself openly, and also admitting to growing actively. Had he been simply smoking it on camera, he couldn't have been arrested by the pops, since they wouldn't have had any actual proof of his smoking.

In the end, if you want to post pics, go ahead. Just don't reveal yourself completely, and try to not throw pointers such as " My name starts with "P" and ends with "Eter Flannigan." (fictional name, by the way, since my name is Robert.)


Active Member
Your doing a stealth grow.

Make sure you tell no one about your grow. Watch your background in the pics.
I HOPE this grow is for your personal use. If that is the case, again, tell no one and don't even give your personal grow away to "friends". Keep it to yourself and you will be fine.


Well-Known Member
I am planning on doing a stealth install. Ive done the research and really want to do it. The illegality of growing is only obstacle. I have no moral problems with it, in fact the prohibition of weed, while alcohol can be purchased is hypocrisy.

In fact, I dont like the corporate, alcohol and caffeine driven world, and growing ones own pot to not buy alcohol seems almost heroic.

Again, not too keeen on buying weed because small chance of risk, and its expensive.

I'm pretty reclusive (few people come over), and no one else will see my op.

I plan to have small grows (< 1000W), good ventilation, and good odor control, so no one is going to see it or smell it. . .

Except that I want to post a grow log w/ pics.

Seems like this little bit of vanity could introduce some chance of risk. Chance I dont really want to take. My life has been 98% legal to this point, but because I want weed and dont think its a crime, and KNOW its safe, I want to grow. I honestly dont even know the laws.

As it is, my ISP could use my IP address to trace to my name and physical address.

So theoretically, posting pics and admitting to doing this online is the only thing that could get me caught.

So anyone ever get busted for pics?
Make sure you know your local laws regarding cultivation of cannabis. You can easily find this info on the NORML website. This is an often overlooked detail by most growers. Since it is illegal in most places around the world, it is important because differing numbers of plants will carry a heftier penalty. Also having firearms where cannabis is being grown is sometimes an added charge (a seperate charge for each individual firearm). Having scales, seperately bagged weed are all things to avoid because they are things some people overlook that get them additional time. Best of luck my friend and happy growing!


Active Member
My guess is it is fairly safe, but some words of caution: Do not post pictures taken with an iphone or other location aware camera device. Included in the image is what is called exif data. The exif data contains things like the type of camera (i.e. iphone) various photo settings, the time the picture was taken and the GPS co-ordinates of where the picture was taken. The police can and have used this data to make arrests. On most devices this data collection can be turned off. If you are worried about security even more- get a security program. I recomend TOR This will hide your IP, and make it much much more difficult to track you down. If anyone tried to from the info posted on this site.