Do i stop Nutrients in flowering?


Active Member
i am 10 weeks into this plant flowering for 4 weeks... do i stop nutrients? i heard to stop nutrients


Active Member
You stop nutes the last 2 weeks or so if you want. Most claim it makes for a smoother smoke.

If you stop now your plants may not make it until harvest. It depends on your soil.


stop a week or two before harvest. flush with twice the water of your pot size (growing with 3 gallon pot use six gallons of water to flush) this will clear any nutes leftover and avoid nasty tasting weed. Then use plain water till harvest. Im assuming this is you first grow, you'll be tempted to leave it a little damp or think its dry because it is on the outside...its not. Wait until the stem snaps or just before the stem snaps to remove from the stem and jar or bag up for curing. If you leave it a little too wet your going to end up with grassy smelling meds.


New Member
Yes they still need nutes man. Get sum sensi bloom a & b by advanced nutrients if u can. whatever u use they definitely need nutes now more than ever. That is if u want buds, u are growing to get buds aren't u? the same company also makes this shit for blooming called connosieur i've heard lots of good things about it and seen it listed in the supplies of sum pretty sick grows so im definitely gonna try it myself cum flowering time; kinda pricey but if u got it spend it man fuck mediocre buds!!