Do i need to foliar feed AND put nutrients in water?

Soil grow (miracle grow seed starter) <<<<<heard great things and terrible things about this soil
Planted in red solo cups (when do i need to transplant and how big of pots do i need)
1 week in
Feeding with 6.6 PH distilled water
Plants under 4ft T8 flourescent. Two 32w 6500k daylight bulbs. (plants are starting to bend towards the light, so i think I need another 4ft as well as some other CFL to get the sides and underneath.)
I have some seedlings that are about a week old. I have been feeding them with 6.6 PH distilled water and they look great. They are about 3-4 inches tall, purpleish brown stems, nice green leaves, and some decently thick stems. I want to start feeding them nutrients in a week, but i have a couple of questions.
I have heard that foliar feeding is a great way to get nutrients to the plant quickly. I have read a bunch of threads about people using the foliar feeding method. My question is, do i need to use BOTH the foliar feeding method AND put nutrients in the water? If so, how does this work? Would I use a 1/4 strength solution nutrients in the water, and a 1/4 strength foliar mix. Then water the roots and spray the foliar at the same time? Would I use the foliar right before my lights come on and then water when i need too? Or would I use the foliar feeding to get the plants nutrients and just use regular distilled water for the roots?

I understand I have a couple questions in there that can easily be answer with a quick forum search, however, since I have one legitimate question that i cant find the answer too. I thought I would throw in a couple other issues I have and maybe someone can answer them while they are answering my foliar question.


Active Member
Foliar feeding always helps but it is not necessary. I've only just started foliaring myself. But I like the results and will continue to do so. your plants are a couple weeks old from seedlings? or some are? this is unclear....when you start feeding them nutes you should start around 300-500 ppms and work ur way upto 1000-1200 ppms. increase in increments of 100 or 200 ppms each week. foliar feed with a foliar spray would be best but if you want to use ur base nutes go 1/4 strength once a week. upto week 3-4 flower. don't interrupt your feeding schedule for foliar feeding. when you go to foliar what I like to do (since I have a sprayer that creates a fine mist) is turn the main lights off.....after i've plugged in a CFL to maintain the bio rhythm of the light on cycle with the plants. the go about ur work spraying the plants....oh you should turn ur fans off too and ac if you have one so i mists or "clouds" up in there as much as possible so the plants can "breath" the foliar while the leaves try and absorb it. when the water spots have dried on top of the leaves turn ur main lights back on and there you go you've foliared. some people like to foliar 30 min before their lights turn on to avoid the possibility of nute burn on the leaves but I don't like this method. Only because the plants stop "breathing" when the lights go off. it takes about 30 min ( I think) for them to wake up and smell the foliar. so doing it before they've woken to speak....seems silly. Oh and last and foremost foliar feeding is not a substitute for regular water feeding. Its only to help correct things when ur having issues or to help keep your plants at their optimum, thus reducing chances for stress. Also I'd transplant them into whatever they're going to flower sooner than later. you don't want those roots slowing down cuz they've hit a wall. lol
aslo what are you growing in? coco and soil are general feed water water, feed water water. and by feed i mean nutes in water going to the roots....not foliar.

whew.....hope this helps.



Well-Known Member
Personally, I wouldn't feed before they are 3 weeks old or so, it's real easy to burn, especially if you're in MG like I am using.
All those little round opaque balls you see after you water....... those are the pre added nutes.
Also, if you DO decide to foliar feed as well as add to your watering schedule, I heard it is best to do close to lights out, when the pores are open and the plant can absorb more easily.
I only foliar fed a couple times when I had a cal/mag issue right after she started to flower.
I just use nutes in my water with a tsp / gal. of unsulphured molasses as well.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
You dont NEED to foliar feed, but it is a good method to quickly correct deficiencies. If you're doing things right, you shouldn't have to foliar feed in the first place. But a nice kelp foliar can really get plants looking nice.

Miracle grow soil is just fine. It's a little hot, though. So you shouldn't start seedlings in it.