Do I Need Further Drying Or Not?


Well-Known Member
well this harvest will last for very long time, it's been 2 months since i harvested, and the last 2 weeks i have only opened up the jars once. so when do you think they can be kept in the jars without any opening at all? they seem dry but when i cut through the bud it seems like it does have some moisture in it. i would like to store them in a completely isolated place just keep one little jar close by. also i'm thinking that since they very packed in the jars maybe i still need to remove them and spread them on a tray for few hours? i did that few times for a month or so every week... or is opening the lid just fine now after 2 months of curing? and when would be the best time to refrigerate them? that is when will they stop curing and start deteriorating???
thanks for any tips


Well-Known Member
alot of questions..

im scatter brained now.

anyhow.. we can't tell you if your stuff is dry. Only you can do that part..

I can tell you this.. you need to do some reading on how long you should dry.. and how long to cure and how to do both.

Nobody is going to walk ya through all of the processes. I would if I had the time.. but I don't. Plus, I got bad arthritus in my fingers/knuckles.



Well-Known Member
do you somehow feel obliged to answer? cuz you seem like you do... if you dont feel like answering, then you don't have to, that answer you gave is like coming out of the ass... i guess the question is clear enough, anyone else?


Well-Known Member
haha what is so strange about that post? i've been curing for 2 months now, i'm still opening jars every 2 weeks just don't know if necessary anymore. i only want to store them without risks of mold... do you think there is such risk after 2 months curing?


Misguided Angel
If they were dried properly I don't think burping them anymore would be necessary. The only way to know for sure would be to check on them every once in a while, personally I am done burping after a month, but my buds don't last much longer than that anyways...
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Well-Known Member
If they were dried properly I don't think burping them anymore would be necessary. The only way to know for sure would be to check on them every once in a while, personally I am done burping after a month, but my buds don't last much longer than that anyways...
cool thanks, a straight answer to a simple question. well i smoke very little amounts nowadays and i intend to keep smoking less and less until i get to like once every 2 weeks so my harvest will last me like 2 years or more lol. i will refrigerate them later on maybe 6 months in since i don't really know when they begin to deteriorate. i have heard that one year old weed is awesome. currently i am still burping them every 2 weeks just in case.


Misguided Angel
I like to start my cure when the stems are still a little bit bendy, but that's just me. A lot of this kind of stuff is personal preference.


Well-Known Member
Why keep a harvest 2 years????? If your growing the right strain and you have your method down packed why not just grow to have variety... I dont know whatever floats your boat do you bro.


Well-Known Member
Why keep a harvest 2 years????? If your growing the right strain and you have your method down packed why not just grow to have variety... I dont know whatever floats your boat do you bro.
dude i'm smoking like 2 grams per week or less i intend to keep smoking less and i have like 250grams, doing the math it seems they will last even more than that. you're right about the variety, and that's one thing i want to do. will be getting a nice variety of seeds sometime and doing several strains, but i'm not throwing away my weed it's very good stuff and i want to store it properly, guess i'm going to freeze it.

anyone ever tried some old frozen weed?


Well-Known Member
My .02

i think it totally depends on your drying method and how long you plan to keep the buds stored. Some drying methods really don't allow you to leech the chlorophyll very well because maybe it was a quick drying method (like I use) but that means i have to cure longer in order to get that chlorophyll out. but maybe if I did a normal air dry method the chlorophyll will probably dissipate sooner than with my method meaning less curing.

The good thing is even if you over dry your buds it's totally easy to rehydrate them.
