Do I need a green card to buy weed in WA now?

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
Title pretty much sums it up. Gonna be awhile before I crop out, and was wondering if I can just buy some shit at the alt med place down the road?


Well-Known Member
We already have to many immigrants
they should stop handing out green cards
Forginers they took our jobs


by green card do you man a mmj card or an actual green card for immgrants from the us gov. i doubt any dispensary will question your citizen ship maybe idk maybe they may want proper id and stuff, worst come to worst im sure u can get someoine to buy some for u or sell u some in the parking just sayin

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
Green card, hahahahahaha. Yeah, I'm no immigrant, at least not in the last 100 or so years. Green card is what I've heard them referred to by all the non-terminally ill who've been granted them for "back pain". I was just curious if there are places where you can buy weed like it's fucking Amsterdam?


most dispensaries are pretty strict with their rules on having a med card, i would say you wont get far without one, but good luck either way bro