Do I have mites?????? Please help?????


can someone tell me what this is the guy I got them from had a spray bottle he used to spray them in the cloner


Well-Known Member
Hard to tell from the pic, if you have little webs all over the place, you have them..


Well-Known Member
webs usually come from a hardcore infestation and ugh they are everywhere when that happens. have you takin a look under the leaves? usually the first sign is little white dots along the tops of your leaves.


New Member
Mites can be seen with the naked eye, aren't that small. Look under the leafs for anything crawling and squish it. If you see a blood like stain you prolly got mite.


New Member
The hardest pests for me to spot are thrips because they are so damn small. Thrip damage give the leafs a kind of sheen if you look at the leafs on an angle and looks like this

Hard to tell from your pics. If you mind thrips spinosad is awesome.


New Member
I don't know that you have them but if you do spinosad works well. You really need to get a loupe that is about 25~30x to see thrips easily. And it's good to have, you'll use it for years. Something like this


Getting a 420scope tomorrow
And I do appreciate the quick responses everyone Thank You this is my first grow so I'll be on here a lot I'm sure
Zero Tolerance Pesticide by Ed Rosenthal kills Thrips AND Spider Mites (& their eggs!) as well as other creepy crawlers that can destroy your medicine. With mites, once you notice damage on the top side of the leaf, you've already got major infestation which is occurring on the underside of the leaf, where mites live & lay their eggs. I've more information on Zero Tolerance if you wish contact.