Do fresh clones smell?


Well-Known Member
If the original plant smelled a lot and I take clones from the mother will the clones start to smell right away?

Can I get away with boxing new clones up and moving them to another location?


Active Member
If you're worried about the smell, pick up a jar of odor-absorbing gel from Home Depot or Lowes, pop the cap, and throw it in the box. Won't make a mess and it'll take care of the smell for at least a couple of weeks...


Well-Known Member
Correct me, if I'm wrong, but isn't it your nose that smells and the clones that stink?

That's my (Olfactory) story and I'm stickin' to it! Sorry, I couldn't resist!


Well-Known Member
Smell [smel]

–verb (used without object)

to give off or have an odor or scent: ": Do the yellow roses smell?"