do cops really think we are dumb?


Well-Known Member
ohhhhh man once feds got ur ass shit son ur done ..............plenty of friends who got pop'd by the feds that are doing time as i speak .....:joint:


Well-Known Member
Didnt this all change under the patriot act? I heard they can hold you indefinitley if they really want too. Look at gauntanamo(?). I dont know if city cops can do it, but i think fed s would do it in a heartbeat if they felt lik ereally fuckin you.
The people held at Gitmo are being held under what is called 'Enemy Combatant". Which should be different, whereas it is the military holding them, not our judicial system.


Well-Known Member
Deal with it? I smell bacon...

I think it is bacon that you're smelling Drummer

i would have thought so to, it seems a bit out there for me to deal with , next they will be following you for buying condoms ,because you are going to rape someone???:peace:
No I'll one up blackout, so now cops are going to sit @ traffic court and anyone who shows up with a suspended license they'll follow them out to the parking lot as soon as they get in their car and drive 10 feet, they'll pull em' over again maybe even arrest them this time, but they definitely have the right to search the car then. LMAO

try swtiching to the other hand
I rep'd U for this one Flash, great observation


Well-Known Member

No I'll one up blackout, so now cops are going to sit @ traffic court and anyone who shows up with a suspended license they'll follow them out to the parking lot as soon as they get in their car and drive 10 feet, they'll pull em' over again maybe even arrest them this time, but they definitely have the right to search the car then. LMAO
common practice where i live. they set them up. they print it afterwards in the paper and call it a "sting" operation. true story. :peace:


Active Member
july 3rd I went to the hydro store and bought soil, nutes, clone kit and a lot of other things. well on my way home I saw that I was being followed by a dam cop. I stopped and ate at buger king and he hide out of sight and waited. so when I leave I notice the bastard is following me again so now I stop at the grocery store and shop. leave there and he's following me again. so finally he got tried of playing cat and mouse and pulled me over for a reason he made they search my car found all my supplies, my grow bible and bout 10 high times. helled me 72 hours for questioning hopeing they could come up with my location. never grow anywhere that's on your license cause that would have been my ass. to all growers, always watch your surroundings

Not sure of your location, but where I'm from that sounds like entrapment.


Active Member
Sorry, I need to call this a " BS" story. Held you for 72 hrs. also "BS".
This guy is looking for attention, maybe?


Well-Known Member
What state man? You know you can deny them when they ask to search your car. or anything for that matter
Anyone who feels this way has a loooonnnngggg way to go to understanding the way cops work. Your vehicle can be searched without a search warrant if they have "probable cause." And from personal experience, the officers will make up their probable cause.

I was followed and pulled over in a similar fashion to this thread years ago when I used to sell Mary J. The officers asked if they could search the vehicle and I said "I am not the only person who drives this vehicle, so I am unaware of what could be in it- so no, you cannot search this vehicle." The arresting officer told me to "get the f#@ out" and then handcuffed me- put me in the back of his cruiser and searched my car anyways. After they found a small amount of weed in the car (less than an 1/8) he told me he had probable cause because he smelt the pot- which was bullshit because I hadn't smoked all day.

The truth is simple: if they have probable cause they will search the vechilce. If they don't have probably cause, they can make it up on the spot and search the vehicle. The solution is to not drive around with any.


Active Member
officer: can i search your car?
you: no

if he asks you step out, take the keys, roll up the window and lock the door before you step out, if he asks why, just say its habbit. Make sure to tell any friends you have in the car to shut there big fuckin mouths to.


Active Member
and what happens when they pull you over and there is nothing illegal in your car and they search it without a warrent, is that not a breach of your own rights?


Well-Known Member
and what happens when they pull you over and there is nothing illegal in your car and they search it without a warrent, is that not a breach of your own rights?
No they will sight Probable Cause, they could say you looked high (red eyes) or smelled like weed or a number of other things they could hide behind. The whole deal with you can refuse to let them search is just a formality, they are going to search your car if they want to, end of story....

The only real way to not have your rights trampled is to not get pulled over....


Active Member
Now I could be wrong, but if you have some dick head, cocksucking, oxygen thief cop following you from the hydro store, I believe that he would actually follow you all the way home no matter how long it took.
I've been in my fair share of head butts with the law and I call bullshit.

Maybe I should hold off in getting gas for my lawn mower because a pig might see me and hold me for conspiracy of arson.

Please!!! If you're going to make up stories at least put some effort into it.


Well-Known Member
Haha didn't even think of that ... that is a very good comment... why didn't he follow him home? maybe the cop thought he could get his address from his license? who knows.... who cares...


New Member
ok its understandable if he lives in georgia..those confederate sons of bitchs will do anything..doesnt matter what the law says


Well-Known Member
Anyone who feels this way has a loooonnnngggg way to go to understanding the way cops work. Your vehicle can be searched without a search warrant if they have "probable cause." And from personal experience, the officers will make up their probable cause.

I was followed and pulled over in a similar fashion to this thread years ago when I used to sell Mary J. The officers asked if they could search the vehicle and I said "I am not the only person who drives this vehicle, so I am unaware of what could be in it- so no, you cannot search this vehicle." The arresting officer told me to "get the f#@ out" and then handcuffed me- put me in the back of his cruiser and searched my car anyways. After they found a small amount of weed in the car (less than an 1/8) he told me he had probable cause because he smelt the pot- which was bullshit because I hadn't smoked all day.

The truth is simple: if they have probable cause they will search the vechilce. If they don't have probably cause, they can make it up on the spot and search the vehicle. The solution is to not drive around with any.
Thats where you fucked up, saying It want all your car, and you dont know whats in it...

All you say is no I do not consent.