Do big time drug dealers cure their harvest?


Well-Known Member
And you know this because you deal with a large amount of brick weed?

No the large majority of brick weed isn't bricked or grown by can easily tell as cartels use machine presses...bricking originated hundreds of years ago and is an art form in south America similar to hash producing to ease smoking.. the landraces often have 8 inch fox tails with literally no nugs. Bricking was developed to cure the bud and keep it from drying out under their harsh conditions.

Oh wait theyre Mexican what do they know..must always be over dried and grown improperly lol...

I grow mainly landrace sativas and have personally met growers that have been doing it for generations in their family...using all organic living soil...something I'm just now trying to emulate

The brick you get is probly filled with seeds and dark...the brick I get smells of cheese, lime , mangoes and has clearly visible trichomes and maybe 30 seeds ina qp..your ignorance of others culture disgusts me and you should keep your comments to yourself


Well-Known Member
Here in Colorado its hard to find a home for uncured product. Tight manicure is also expected here. So much supply that buyers can be very picky.


Well-Known Member
Your customers have no taste. I guess that's the norm though. Crumbly dry stuff is the best. I hate smoking water.

What's bad is when weed doesn't crumble when dry. You know, that papery weed that just won't break up no matter how dry it is.

i'm just small time, but my outdoor grows are out the door before i can even put a full cure on them. the customers like it a bit gooey, even if it shorts them on weight. they hate that crumbly dry stuff.

your mileage may vary.


Well-Known Member
I like to store my buds with Boveda Packs 62%. It keeps them moist enough so they don't crumble in the mason jars. I always set out buds overnight for next day smoking. It dries them enough to put in a grinder. Joints always smoke perfectly. It also makes the buds taste a little spicier.


Well-Known Member
What if you don't cure just hang for 5days and then get it out the door of course do a manicure trim then seal and bye bye


Well-Known Member
That's like saying how fast will bread mold...
Depends on environment it was grown, if its already covered in spores..if it has no natural defense via its production of certain trepenes..and how it was dryed..I've seen a perfectly good plant mold from the inside out, ruined. In 2days


Well-Known Member
Curing is a Must; unless you over-dry your buds to a low humidity point where mold cannot occur; leaving you with some dry ass herb.

Even if you dry it and throw it in a container ("bye bye"), it will cure in that container. I'll assume you know why curing is important?


Well-Known Member
Yes I know how to cure n all just asking question and wonder how comercial growers cure if they do cause I want to get ride of crop as soon as possible


Well-Known Member
depends what type of reputation you want.
if i were you, I'd go with a better cure, aim for high quality, put the initial time into it, and get top dollar for your herb


Active Member
Large air tight bins are used to cure for large amounts. The majority of big time drug dealers don't grow themselves. But I know some people who just dry it, package it, and sell.


Well-Known Member
damn none of u played the game i see

it is very simple .............time is money and drugs are money they do it like this

grow it grow it grow it someone calls and saids time to cash out .............they cut it and hang it 5 to 7 days from there it is bailed up and shipped to the ppl that move it first in the chain ........they open it up and break it down person does the same thing

u stager the grows and the times ................u get a basic date 3 4 months of time then it should have a decent amount of weight to it to justify the chance and the outward exp to pick it up and move it around is just simple numbers the most profit with the least for how good it is does matter to them u smoke it gtes u high someone will buy it

herion coke and those other things they care about since they want to cut it but has to be strong enough for the ppl to get addicted to it and come back

the profit in weed is huge if u have the time and the network inplace but the real money is in the harder drugs since u can move same weight but the resale vaule is 4xs or 6xs what weed would get them


Well-Known Member
the dealers of weed only are the ones that care about the cure and how good it is

and those guys hire ppl like me to do it for them ...............i have standing order for 3/4 of a pound a month from 3 guys total
as my plants increase in goodness the orders they place does too.................i do it the same way as i did back in my game days .............i am the only one to touch it ...i clip it i weight it i mark it i jar it goes on a dry cure rack for 7 days i clip it down and jar on the 7th day i burp it every day i have it ...........normally that is only 3 5 days and all gone

i told the guys what to do........ 2 of them do it i know i been at the place and smelled the jars open .................the other guy does not do it but it does not seem to effect his sales and so far i have not had any complaints about the taste or the goodness of what i make


Well-Known Member
They don't care near as much about the quality of their coke as they used to. It's extremely hard to find anything decent anymore. Even straight off the so-called bricks it's shit. Today they are more worried about quantity so you rarely see decent coke anymore. I haven't seen any real Peruvian Flake in 10yrs+. Today it's all that cartel B.S. and yes I do know the right people. I haven't seen anything that even comes close to what we used to get in the late 70's early 80's.


Well-Known Member
They don't care near as much about the quality of their coke as they used to. It's extremely hard to find anything decent anymore. Even straight off the so-called bricks it's shit. Today they are more worried about quantity so you rarely see decent coke anymore. I haven't seen any real Peruvian Flake in 10yrs+. Today it's all that cartel B.S. and yes I do know the right people. I haven't seen anything that even comes close to what we used to get in the late 70's early 80's.
i am near one of the major ports on the 270 trafficing paths...................i am able to find fish flakes if i make a call and am willing to do the drive all matter of what hook up u see in the chain .................i been in this game since i was a teen ......i even been caught and did little time ( i kept my mouth shut did the time got out) and the rep grow my hook up suppliers met me and trusted me so i got off them and moved my way to 3rd or 4th on the path once it hits port

the ppl that were running your stuff in the day been caught and out of the game u are dealing with this NEW SCHOOL punk kid bullshit (they are steping on it to much becuase they do own supply or are greedy bastards)

u need to move up the line and find his supplier or the one after that to get the good stuff .............the guy i deal with is little older then i am and i passed the age of 30 but not over the hill .......................this is the part that will tick u off once u do meet this new guy and see how much they been stepping on it u will want to beat the ass of the little punks and get some cash back ( do not do it gf always calls the cops u will do 30 to 90 days for fighting )

they send good shit and alot of it then it is cut here and ppl just keep stepping on it to increase the supply and money like the 6th 7th person in the chain u are lucky if it is 50% on street lvl


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying that there is not any high quality out there, just extremely little on the market. Also Ive seen lots of fish scale that was still terrible. Nowadays looks can be deceiving with coke. Even the uncut is contaminated with solvents. They are processing such huge amounts at a time nowadays that they dont do a quality job. I've been messing with it since the early 70's but stopped years ago, although I still run into old friends that still play. Once in a great while ill hear about something decent. And yes, I know people way up the chain and they are saying the same thing, almost everything they melt point test has been coming in very low, and that's straight from various sources. On top of being low % it's contaminated with processing chems. I'm in CA maybe in FLA it's easier to find good because of the huge import market that exists there.