Do Atheist Believe in Nothing?


New Member
If you live in a rabbit hole, the dark becomes the norm.

Come out into the true light Sunshine. The light of reason and true freedom.


Well-Known Member
People are always confused about atheism it's not about denying a god and being angry with it, that denotes a belief it exists.
We are only angry with organized religions which prey on people and use their weaknesses against them. It's the same way a Cristian would feel about a cult.


Well-Known Member
People are always confused about atheism it's not about denying a god and being angry with it, that denotes a belief it exists.
We are only angry with organized religions which prey on people and use their weaknesses against them.
haha.. extreme pun intended..


Well-Known Member
Imagine if someone said to you "Manchester United is the best sports team in the universe, and if you don't believe that you are going to suffer for eternity."

You might say "Fuck off, you idiot."

Then someone comes along and says "My religion is the best religion in the universe, and if you don't believe that you are going to suffer for eternity."

I say "Fuck off, you idiots."