Do aluminum foil boxes help growth? (Pics)


I've been growing these plants for exactly three weeks now, I lined a cardboard box with foil to hopefully add more light and inhibit growth.
Do you think it will actually help or is it not worth it?

By the way, this is a very small grow. About a half dozen plants, but I expect to lose a few along the way since this is my first grow, hopefully end with one or two decent plants.

(Yes those are Dr. Thunder cans, cause hey it works.)
Try and stick with Mylar when lining your rooms, it reflects light much better and is thinner than foil. I have recently switch from mylar to Panda film, white in the front and black on the back. Its pretty cool


Well-Known Member
Foil blows man, its not very reflective and when its crinkled ( which I can see in your pics it is) it creates hot spots which will burn your plants. Use white paint! Or atleast tape up white paper or something, anything but foil. Also those plants are stretching for that light.


foil does reflect but not evenly. It will actually create hot spots, potentially burning sections of the plant. You'd be better off just painting the inside of the box a FLAT white. The idea is to have an even bounced light. Good luck with the grow! READ READ READ READ READ READ!!!!!! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
The dull side of foil was commonly used in the late 80's but not any'd be wise to get rid of it and use flat white paint or a more modern reflective surface. Frankly, flat white paint is the cheapest and easiest way to go...and reflects light quite well.