

Well-Known Member
so about DMT..... im gonna be tryin to obtain some here in the next month or so. i was wondering about what dosages would u recommend and what doses really worked for u?


Well-Known Member
Thanks Florida! Much appreciated.
no prob. ive pulled some awesome yields with that tek.

Here we go again .... lol
Florida, happy new year brother .... good to see you my spider friend !!
I am dying to hear what you thing of K-holes ...
Nice to see you ...
happy new year puff.
ive never had a k-hole experience. the most ive done at once is around 100mg. i dont know if i want to go that far yet, but one day probably will.


Well-Known Member
Ebay. That's where alot of people on here get it. There are extremely cheap sources hidden amongst the Google results. But BBB and KTB are tried and true.
BBB doesn't carry MHRB at the moment. But they do give you the link to their main supplier heh


Well-Known Member
ive used their other supplier they link to with no issues, i order as powder cause im lazy and they get it really well powdered