

Oracle of Hallucinogens
I am currently running a tek and will post pictures step by step.

Look for updates, they are coming tonight.


Active Member
I wonder what method he is using?? I alwase used stb with mhrb. I have heard good things about the food safe method, but apparently that produces a honey-like oil, not crystals.

Goodluck shepj!


Oracle of Hallucinogens
All right, first and foremost... if this is illegal where you live, please do not partake in this extraction ;-) lol.

This is the first time I have tried extracting DMT :-)

I am using a slightly modified version of the Lazyman tek.

TEK Will Be Edited In Here (in a moment)

So this is really kind of a pictoral anyway..

Safety First:


~100g's MHRB
~50g's Sodium Hydroxide (I think the pH is ~13.92)
~1500mL H2O
~300mL Naptha
2 x HDPE Containers (milk jug in this occasion)

*The Gloves are Neoprene Latex Gloves (home depot), they are resistant to both Naptha and Sodium Hydroxide

*I am using safety glasses (I recommend this to anyone who would try an extraction like this)

*The dustmask is to keep away fumes and to pick up powdered MHRB

Starting Material, as stared ~100g's

First step, shred this shit.. used something similar to the magic bullet. I would imagine a coffee grinder would substitute fine though.

Weigh out Lye.. The picture is actually backwards; add powder to water, not water to powder.

Pretty much stir the shit out of the basified soup.

More to come..



Well-Known Member
lolol this guy is actually serious about making this
i give u props man , keep posting the procedure man , you got me really interested in your project


Oracle of Hallucinogens
All right, so I passed the fuck out last night.. I have pulled a small layer of Naptha off the MHRB solution to see how it evaporates. I will update pictures and make a larger pull later today.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
*taking off from the last picture*

After stirring the soup (if you dont grind up your bark, they recommend using a stainless steel potato masher and mashing it for 20-30 minutes), I brought it inside and added 300ml Naptha (150ml per container).

If you have a sepatory funnel it would come in handy here! Essentially you want the Naptha to touch all the DMT so it can be extracted :-) Without a separatory funnel, this means.. more stirring! lol​


Well-Known Member
shep, i love the tek real simple and to the precautions are a must

when your done i advise contacting a mod and getting this tek stickied on the hallucinatory substances page or starting the thread over so there isnt comments in between the steps


Oracle of Hallucinogens
shep, i love the tek real simple and to the precautions are a must

when your done i advise contacting a mod and getting this tek stickied on the hallucinatory substances page or starting the thread over so there isnt comments in between the steps
Thanks bro, I am hopin it yields all right (granted all my supplies were free.. lol, so no loss if the results are not as good as I would like)

I will definitely do that after, or compile all the pictures and put them in the first post.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I pulled out more naptha and am evaporating it now. I added another 150ml to each container and will let it sit until later this afternoon/this evening to make the pull and evaporate it.


Active Member
This is all new to me, but I would love to learn more.

What exactly is the name of that bark? The pic isn't clear enough for me to see it. Any reliable internet sources for it? PM me and let me know, if you don't wanna post it here. Thanks bro. :leaf: