DMT, the true spice of life ;)


Active Member
DMT to me is life.. It doesn't seem like it could be anything else but life. It certainly is not another drug to enjoy. Rather a spirit teacher that is very wise. I have always believed that since plants have been here for a very long time they observe humans and see how downhill everything goes and are there for us whenever we seek whatever we want. Magic does not exist. It is only in the mind. We Are telepathic and empathetic otherwise we would be robots. James Randy where are you? Cause I wanna give you a pat on the back for pointing out the obvious to people who try too hard to move material objects with the mind. Our mind that is not connected to our body rather being carried wherever we journey all to depart when we are at an old age... Or what some percieve as death. I say there is no end but a continuous recycling of life for an eternity. For those who have found spirituality with this life molecule what is dmt to you?

Know that no matter what a life isn't wasted.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to our little band of dimension jumpers.

I actualy had an interesting insight into how we seem allready wired to process more than 3 dimensions. (as soon as we loose the sense of self, which weactualy do many times a day, I'm not talking about loosing it in THAT way now).
Visualise the cockpit of a flying aircraft as seen from outside, keep it in view, now bear in mind the aircraft is moveing at 900km per hour, but you have no problem just watching the nose of the aircraft as it is basicaly standing still in the centre of your view, from your persepective. Your brain just did travel in time space, sad thing we can't take our bodies with...for those who'd like that kind of thing.

As opposed to the normal modality where we experience ourselves as an object moving around in physical space from location to location all the while with time streaming past us one way.
In the hyperdimensional mode we experience ourselves as a field of conciousnes (a field of vision) with time and location being draged through our attention at our wil.


Active Member
I think dmt shouldn't be placed in any class... It is nothing even remotely similar to anything.. It is unique in it's own right, just as are all the wise plant spirits.