DMT and dying


Well-Known Member
DMT is extremely powerful and one must have a great deal of respect for it. It is not a toy. It has the ability to transport you to spiritual realms that are both beautiful and eerie, travelling light years away from your physical being.


Well-Known Member
Ive been reading DMT The spirit Molecule by Rick Strassman,almost have it finished,I have to say this makes me want to try DMT more than ever.Just from reading about the studies of the experiences the individuals go through and the outcome of the sessions,to note that many of the recipiants trips on DMT had alot of common themes amongst the users during the trials.Such as the entities encountered and settings which experienced psychadelic users commonly reported find themselves in is really interesting ,I feel it would be a momentous experience.


Well-Known Member
Op- I've heard of something similar, but different.

I think what you are referring to is the "near death experience" or "whole life flashing before your eyes" experience. Scientists say that when we die, our body releases a particular combination of neurotransmitters that kind of gives you the sense that your whole life has only been an instant. I've had a near death experience and know exactly what people mean when they talk about it.

What people are referring to (from what I've heard) about DMT and the near death experience, is that DMT basically can trigger the exact same set of chemical combinations and give you any of the different types of NDE's.

For some it can be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, for some its their entire life flashing before them.

But like hempyninja said, its something that definitely needs to be handled with respect and you need to be a mind over matter type of person. DMT is short, but intense and you don't want to be hitting it with thoughts on your mind that something might go wrong.

Organic Toker

Active Member
Dear Rollers,

Me and a FOAF have been trying to extract DMT with IPA extractions of Acacia. But the other stuff in the bark is also pulled by IPA along with DMT. AM getting a mild buzz when smoked with weed, other than that; am not experienced with DMT.

All that aside, I thought we all were doing shrooms, weed, spice etc because we were not afraid of death, or anything of that sort. If we were, we wouldn't be using mind altering substances or to decrease our pain. I have seen weed changing people, myself changed. Am more calm and relaxed, no impatience, temper in control etc. So I believe there is no point in worrying about death or anything while you are tripping.

No matter what tomorrow brings you, right now is what counts... Smile and wave- you are in the family RiU!!!

No matter what your poison is, enjoy the trip..relax. Enjoy the ride, let all the clouds of darkness fade away..let there be light & lighters :)

There is losses and gains in life, only life..not in death. As always, these are what I thought, sorry if I offended anyone in anyway. It was not my aim, mine was to make you smile :mrgreen::blsmoke:

Love and Peace to you all,
