DIY LED Panel??


Active Member
I have seen on youtube people building their own LED grow lights, has anyone done this?? They are growing anything from meds to cucumbers under them, and only using like 9 higher powered LED's. I've read a bit and it seems to be that anything over 1w LED is a waste as the extra power doesn't actually help penetration?

Anyone have info, links, known good DIYs???


Hey mate just joined. I plan on build a few when i get back to the states. may take me a few weeks i start school on the 22nd but ill get it done with some very easy steps to follow.


Oh yeah it be very cheap i spent 25 bucks and bought over 300 1 watt led I have red/blue/orange. I bet i can build a 100watt light for about 75 bucks or less.


Hey bump i started building them after i spoke to a electrical engineer and he gave me the missing information i need. But how big of a light would you like to have what power supply you would like to use and ill get your a wiring diagram.


Active Member
sorry for the late response. i'm not able to build them right now, but i'd like a basic 1 plant system, or at least a system that can grow from seedlings until implanting into the DWC. Nothing major.