THNX guys, LED bud - genetics update
Buddha Tahoe OG smoke-tests pretty well so I bought more beans to see if I can squeeze any more out of it with selection. It is indica dom but not too compact, slow vegging, fast flowering, stays green/purple during flower, dense nugs. Great smoking flavor and great high. This lady smells like cherry fuel but I expect you could find some with the OG dominant cologne. Not a mega stinker in the jar.
All 4
Alien OGs were very similar to the BTOG in bud structure but the Aliens have OG cologne + hash (skunk coffee) smell that sticks around for months in the jar. They all tested well so I kept the 2 stinkiest and they are hard to choose between. Will keep testing them until one shows a weakness.
Galactic Jacks have a sweet sativa pinene fuel thing going on. 3 of 4 tested well, but some of them were larfy so will probably keep the chunkiest which is the one in the picture. It has a mix of smells, some diesel, sweet, OG, pine, hash.
Sour Jack is by far the frosty stickiest. It has a strong flammable fruity smell that many sweet skunks share like Space Queen, Cindy, Island Sweet Skunk and some Pineapple Express. Excellent bag appeal, good yield and a great smoke.
I have 3
Garlic Breath ladies to choose from. They are all sweet-funk smelling, no garlic or onion like I was hoping for. Two hermied kind of badly, one of which had pink/purple calyxs and did not finish on time. Out of 167 ladies, that is the second I have come across with pink/purple calyxs, the other being Ace of Spades. The one that did
not herm finished on time and has a nice sweet smell with good bud structure.
We tested 4 Gage Green
Aspirare (King Louis xiii OG (x) Joseph og) ladies. They did not come out very frosty and 3 of 4 did not get thumbs up in smoke test. One has a nice OG smell but it does not stick around long in the jar. 4 is not a very big selection but a data point worth mentioning.
And finally, the Divine Genetics -
Chem D X Girl Scout Cookies. 3 ladies to choose from but 2 hermied quite a bit. Luckily the one that did not herm was my fav because it had very strong Chem + hash aroma + and got thumbs up in the flower smoke test. We also smoked the hash scraped off the scissors while still fresh and the smell/flavor was disgustingly awesome, just like the Chem should be. The GSC dom was pretty but not a special smoke and since it hermed we'll skip it.