DIY Lava Lamp Vaporizer?


Active Member
Ok so im bored with my pipes and the papers/wraps get old too.

never had a vaporizer but i'd like to attempt to make a quick one using the junk i have nothing better to do lava lamps...(worst gift idea ever...)

i just so happen to have one. basically brand new also.

im thinking of getting a bottle opener...pouring out all the contents...clean it...


put bud in lava lamp...over the top (im thinking a cap or something)

turn on lava lamp...wait...wait...wait...

suck vapors from the bottle.

is this just wishful thinking or could this potentially work?

let me know please. i think it could as long as i dont let the mj heat up too much.

any thoughts?if anyone thinks it will work i fully intend on making one. are the contents of a lava lamp pressurized or something? i'd hate to open it only to have it gush out like a soda can thats been shaken up.


Well-Known Member
you could possibley get the heating element exposed and put a tin foil bowl over it then put the glass back on and try it


Active Member
you could possibley get the heating element exposed and put a tin foil bowl over it then put the glass back on and try it
the lava lamp is heated by a bulb underneath the glass portion...i have two lava lamp "gifts" that have just been sitting is a 25w r14 something or other bulb...the other one as a 40w bulb in it.

my question is what is the tin foil for? (i know that question may sound stupid/amateurish but i really dont know).

lemme know. thanks. if i get it working right ill have to post pics!


Active Member
The foil isnt used for a bowl...that im sure of as the mj will go inside the glass bottle portion of the lava lamp (where you see the "lava" moving around when its on). Once the mj is inside then the top is covered & the bulb is turned on...this will heat up the contents of the bottle (just like the lava lamp works normally) once it fills with vapors i will uncover the top & inhale them. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++from+what+i+understand+im+being+told+to+cover+the+light+bulb+with+tin+foil.+My+question+is+why+does+the+bulb+need+to+be+covered?+What+benefit+does+it+have?+How+could+it+ruin+things+if+there+isnt+any+foil+on+the+bulb?+I+have+aluminum+foil+right+here+next+to+me.+I+can+do+that+im+just+curious+to+know+why+&+what+effect+it+has?


yea it will work but it will take ages to heat up and because there is no heat controll it will probably end up burning the bud a little which taste like burnt popcorn not nice but giv it a go and take a picture and forget about the tinfoil