disease or deficient


Well-Known Member
Hi all, I took some cuts from my cherry og before I put it into flower and she vegged fine and is now on day 28 of flower. Clones are now 3wks old after rooting in aero prop, rooted quickly with no problems after transplant. All cuts got first feed at 2 wks and proceeded with nutes,water,nutes. Leave started looking strange a few days ago so flushed it but seems to be getting a little worse.IMG-20130810-00230.jpgIMG-20130810-00232.jpg
Man it has to be something in the Micro Def, As far as which one, I will let someone with more knowledge take that part.


New Member
What are you feeding? PPM? PH? How much of the plant is affected? You really should clean them up a little at the bottom, proper air flow can eliminate smaller issues like this. More info and pics can help greatly.
Are you using peat moss ? Looks like maybe it's turned acidy ?? Happened to me once had sorta the same effect ! ... Might be worth looking into a soil test ? Not saying its your issue but certainly worth taking a gander at ! Good luck