Discoloration and curling downward

Having a problem with leaves curling down and slight discoloration on the leaves. They are15 days old and about 3 inches tall with 3 leaf sets. In 5 gal pots with sunshine #1 , extra perlite, added bone, blood and kelp meal. Also garden lime and Epsom plus. All amendments made by "organic traditions". I am starting liquid nutes at low strengths soon . They're under a 1000 watt hps and 4+ feet from the light still. Temps 75-84. The leaves started discoloring on day 8 and now are curling down wards , or drooping, a little bit. It's discoloring is not yellow or brown, but kind of gray, more like a lighter green , kind of splotchy , as if the leaf is just losing color. It's only a few of them, the other ones are same size with no signs of unhealthyness. I can't check my ph yet until I get a tester bc mine is not working right. I'll get a pic up ASAP next time I am there.
Does anyone have any idea of what could be happening
Thanks in advance for any help

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
You can get this paper, not sure how to spell it, litmus paper. It's used to test ph in soil. The last time I bought it, amost 30yrs ago I got it from a drug store.