Direct sunlight question!


Well, this is short question from newbie grower. I'm growing 3 lowryders #2.
They are 8 days old (after seeding 'em). And recently I HAD to replant them from my greenhouse to my garden.
In the morning I explored my garden and found nice place to replant them with lot's of sunlight. Now (in the evening) theres shadow.
I'm not sure how much sunlight they get but I'm still worried. If they will live there (in the shadow most of the day)? If they will be fine? Or I should replant them in more sunny place? How much sun they require? Or It will grow like my (simple ruderalis) which growing now like weeds. :sad:

SUB question : maybe I could do something with that simple ruderalis? I heard milk is good.
P.S. I could not find similiar thread in forum so I created new thread. Please don't kill me. Peacebongsmilie


It will grow no matter where its put, but more sunshine will mean a bigger stronger plant and a larger yield. I recently moved my short ryders from a place they were getting mostly midday sun then shaded/indirect afterwards after noticing they were not growing too fast (2 weeks from seed at this point). I put them in an area with much more sun exposure and they are appearing much stronger and robust.