Different sized plants - when to flower ?


Well-Known Member
Hey there everybody,

Im busy growing 5 plants in a 3x3 currently with a 250w MH, unfortunately i ended up with 3 seeds that turned mutant due to my stupidity of not ordering proper seeds online besides the one Church seed a friend gifted me with, now i have a problem of bigger & smaller plants. Excuse the bad quality picture due to the Hz. of the magnetic ballast.

As for the plant on the bottom right here i think its just about a male which i will have to pull out leaving me with 4 plants, bottom left - The Church, Top Left - Unknown still , Top middle Diesel hybrid of some sort, Top right apparently Mango Kush.

As you can see the two biggest plants have been vegging for about 44 days now, which leaves my other plants at about only 3-4 weeks, im also trying to figure out the best method to try pull out as much quality yield as possible, scrogging possibly sounds good, i could let the Church take up most of the canopy and just lift the 3 smaller plants with a box so they can touch that scrog net, any other suggestions as to whats the best method i should take would be really helpful, thank you & hope you all have had a good Sunday. Peace :peace: