Difference between Red/Blue CFL


Active Member
Basically not a pro at this growing stuff.

I bought a load of grow gear about 3 or so years ago now. And have been using it over that duration and learning as I go, talking to friends who are wiser and searching forums etc.

I know about the diff between Blue and Red light spectrums in a basic way. And know that I have enough Lumens from my enviro light for the small grow op that i have..


THe company who I used to buy grow gear off where a bit shit, and slow to responding to problems etc...

The light I bought was supposed to be a dual 125watt Enviro Light that could be used throughout the plants entire life. But I just checked what it was the other day (trying to figure out why my plants are a little underperforming) and the lights a fucking bloom light!!!?!??!?!?! so they sent me the wrong fucking thing. me being the idiot that I am just whacked it in and used it without checking :-(

I have just ordered a blue coloured light so my plants can finish vegging under the correct CFL.

what I would really like to know is to what extent would this have hindered the growth of plants that I have grown???????

they have allways been on the small side but then I have stuck to simple autoflowering varieties so wasnt suprised by that...

I guess i will find out in a week or so when they have been living under the correct lighting! but any help from you knowledgable types would be most welcome.



Active Member
Well red light (hps) is for flowering, so if you had a blue light (mh) they would have grown better.
But I see you mention you stick with autoflowering strains, never messed with those so I don't which would be better.
But If Vegging you use blue spectrum and Flowering you use red spectrum.
I would think Red spectrum is better since autos do more flowering than vegging. No?


Active Member
It isn't going to hurt them, don't worry. It's not even going to have significantly slowed developement.

The time to be acutely aware of your lighting is during flowering, prior to that blue spectrum will a preference, but certainly not a necessity. Don't stress it.


Active Member
sweet. Thanks for letting us know that... I was hoping that was the case. Autoflowers do take around 3-5 weeks before they start flowering, so will start using my blue light during early seedling/veg stage from now on!



Active Member
and yeah i do think its better to have used red throughout due to the longer flowering period with autos anyhow. And the green I have grown in the past has been lush, just want as MUCH OF IT AS POSSIBLE! HA :-P


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt worry, Ive come to believe wether you use all red or all blue to veg it doesnt really matter through my experiments w/it. However a mixed spectrum does seem to outdo them both. I Highly doubt the spectrum being red has anything to do with their small size.


Active Member
cool well i seem to be getting better with each grow, I look on target for a much better yeild this time round :-), and at least I have the different colour spectrums now so I can do my experiments.

trial and error seems to be the best learning method anyhow an spose if you've never got anything wrong it just shows you've never tried anything new in life!