Did i screw up?


I am in my 83rd day total, 56th day of flowering and all my fan leaves died. flower looks and smells great but worried they died a little too learly. should i be concerned?



Its honestly my first time haha and just wanted to see if i could. I have it in a little aerogarden that holds qrtr gln of water. I have been adding about 2ml of buds and blooms and 1 ml of the calmag.i was at one point adding 1ml of grow big ff. but i trimmed it down to just the buds and blooms and maintaining the ph around 5.9 to 6.3 ph


Well-Known Member
Do you have whole plant pics? I am not much help because I don't grow this way, but maybe someone else who is more help will see your answers.


its not a big plant. the resevoir is not big but the roots are pretty healthy and its still eating. so idk haha. the buds seem to be gaining weight but never really stretched much. I added a final 2ml of buds and blooms ff. I will probably flush in a week and see where its at. but idk haha. it will prolly die before then if something drastic is happening



Thanks! Hopefully my baby just keeps eating and thickening those buds for me. I added another light on top as the aerogarden setup only has 25w. I added another 45w led light


Haha thanks man. If i were to ever work for a company that grew it, I would be excited everytday lol I think itsa joy to see the plant grow and change everyday. Maybe upgrading the reservoir and lights a bit, it should help my bud growth better. I just feel like it isnt enough power for it


Well-Known Member
Haha thanks man. If i were to ever work for a company that grew it, I would be excited everytday lol I think itsa joy to see the plant grow and change everyday. Maybe upgrading the reservoir and lights a bit, it should help my bud growth better. I just feel like it isnt enough power for it
Yea you are way under powered and still did a decent job imo. You don't have to go to crazy, but a little 2x2 or 3x3 tent with all the accessories would probably do you pretty well.


do you think with a couple more weeks of growing it would be enough to give me a small batch? Do you think it will be worththe smoke? It smells beautiful :)


Well-Known Member
Yes keep it going another 2-3 weeks. Don't flush, feed it the whole time. You're this far. You should finish it out. Even a few 3500k led screw in light bulbs would help.