Did I plant at the right depth?


Thinking back on planting day, i think i mighta planted too deep into my holes. I dug about 1 1/2 ft. Holes and filled the bottom of the holes with about 4 in of potting soil, put the 4 week old plant in, and filled in the rest of the hole with the soil, the outdoor soil where i live has a lot of clay and limestome, the more i think about it, i should have planted them with way more potting soil under them? With only about 4 in of GOOD soil for the roots to grow in before hitting clay, will this majorly effect my yield or should i be okay? Do the roots grow outward faster then they down?
you should carefully dig up the plants. from the sounds of it they are pretty much underground if you dug 1.5 ft holes and only put 4 inches of soil then covered the rest... can you even see your plants after that? you want to have the the top of the soil from previous container maybe an inch or so below the ground. you want as much room for those roots as possible before they hit native soil.... also you should of mixed some of your native soil with the potting soil so your plant gets used to the native soil and can shoot roots through it as it gets bigger with less difficulty. good luck


Plants have been in the ground for about a week and a half, will i need to watch out for cutting through the roots when digging them up? I want to dig really far under them and grab the soil in a big handfull with the plant on top, and put more potting soil in under them then ease the plant back in, hopefully no stress if the roots dont become exposed to light right?
Thinking back on planting day, i think i mighta planted too deep into my holes. I dug about 1 1/2 ft. Holes and filled the bottom of the holes with about 4 in of potting soil, put the 4 week old plant in, and filled in the rest of the hole with the soil, the outdoor soil where i live has a lot of clay and limestome, the more i think about it, i should have planted them with way more potting soil under them? With only about 4 in of GOOD soil for the roots to grow in before hitting clay, will this majorly effect my yield or should i be okay? Do the roots grow outward faster then they down?
WOW...There are smokers and growers. You know sometimes the two just don't mix.