Did I just kill my lady?


Well-Known Member
Well after reading a few post I figured Id grab a few updated pics of my 1st ever grow. I went to pick up my largest plant to get a good pic angle and semi uprooted it:o. Shes about 3' tall and had totaly outgrown her 2gal planter and had rooted through the drain holes and into the sandy soil below. I freaked out and decided an emergency transplant was in order.

I took a 5 gal bucket and drilled about 15 1/4" drain holes in the bottom. Filled it half full with Miracle Grow brand organic potting soil (its worked great so far so dont hate) and proceeded to gently get my plant out of its prison (gently squeezed all sides and then popped her out). Transplanted to 5gal and then topped off w/ same soil, added a few pinches of 10-10-10 to the outer perimeter and flooded the soil w/ 2 gal of water + a cap full of superthrive. Think shell be ok?


Yeah she will be fine. She is living, she wants to grow. :)
Im glad everything is fine :)

This makes me thing of something....what if the roots get so long that they start to come out of the holes on the bottom?

I am using a 3gal pot and dont expect them to be any higher than 3ft since it's in a small space.