Did I fucked my plants ?


Hello, I think when you love something so much you try to make it as perfect as u could, but sometimes u just fuck it ( as I did).

Please don't be harsh on me. I know that's stupid.
Those r really pushy plants and they got crowded and I realized some leaves have a wired looks. So I trimmed the hell out of it. Leaving only the top leaves and the branches ( I believed that the branches may continue to gorw)

Anyway what should I do?

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Well-Known Member
Looks fine, a little ragged but they recover well. I frequently get ragged looking babies when I leave them in cups for too long due to space and they bounce right back once they're up-potted. Looks like maybe a little over watered in that big pot, let it dry out a bit.
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Well-Known Member
You definitely slowed down transpiration by cutting off the leaves, slowing the drying of your medium

Do as groerr said and leave them to dry out between feedings. Too wet

And cut those now useless branches off at the main stem.

They'll bounce right back in no time

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
you should stop it.
that's exactly what you should do.
this plant has been growing naturally for longer than people have been on the planet. it needs exactly zero help from you to continue doing that.
give them MINIMAL attention. water them when they NEED it, fed them when they NEED it. otherwise, fuck off.
if you provide them with a stable area to grow that's even close to optimal, they'll do great on their own.
get some chrysanthemums, and prune the fuck out of them.....get a fern, and hug it....leave the weed ALONE

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
alright, without being a prick. don't trim undergrowth when a plant is that small. those stems you trimmed all the leaves off of won't grow now. you'll have to wait till the plant gets a little bigger, then top it at least twice to get any kind of spread out of it. as it is, it'll be like a giant sog plant, with little to no branching. also, those leaves were solar panels, now the plant has to regrow all of them just to get back to where it was. the half of the plant above the ground and the half below the ground are actually pretty close to halves, and they need to be in balance. if you do something to stunt one half, the other half basically goes "dormant" till the other half catches up to it again. the top half of that plant now can't keep up with or feed the root system adequately, so the rest of the plant is just idling while those leaves regrow.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
i could tell you a bunch of shit, but it'll stick better if you look it up yourself.
look up Meristem. look up auxins and cytokinins, and gibberelins.
then think about the interactions they all have.
when you top a plant, you're removing the depository of auxins, temporarilly. they get spread throughout the plant, which promotes branching. you also lower the amount of available auxins in general, which allows the cytokinins to promote shorter spacing between leaf sets (internodal length). topping also suppresses gibberelins, which make for a shorter, bushier plant.
so, basically, topping makes much better use of your space in most cases. you get more yield in less space. if you remove those branches, the plant has to completely regrow them in order to spread out.
sea of green is a different scenario. you remove all but the two biggest branches, and all of the smaller branches below the canopy, and do not top them. you get one big cola bud and two smaller ones off of each plant, and they grow and mature quickly, in a small space, allowing you to cram up to 20 plants in the space one larger one would take up. that's kind of what you were training that plant to do.


i could tell you a bunch of shit, but it'll stick better if you look it up yourself.
look up Meristem. look up auxins and cytokinins, and gibberelins.
then think about the interactions they all have.
when you top a plant, you're removing the depository of auxins, temporarilly. they get spread throughout the plant, which promotes branching. you also lower the amount of available auxins in general, which allows the cytokinins to promote shorter spacing between leaf sets (internodal length). topping also suppresses gibberelins, which make for a shorter, bushier plant.
so, basically, topping makes much better use of your space in most cases. you get more yield in less space. if you remove those branches, the plant has to completely regrow them in order to spread out.
sea of green is a different scenario. you remove all but the two biggest branches, and all of the smaller branches below the canopy, and do not top them. you get one big cola bud and two smaller ones off of each plant, and they grow and mature quickly, in a small space, allowing you to cram up to 20 plants in the space one larger one would take up. that's kind of what you were training that plant to do.
Wow I really appreciate ur words, very valuable informations. They didn't even needed topping because they have a very tight node spaces and too much greens coming out everywhere.


Hello, I think when you love something so much you try to make it as perfect as u could, but sometimes u just fuck it ( as I did).

Please don't be harsh on me. I know that's stupid.
Those r really pushy plants and they got crowded and I realized some leaves have a wired looks. So I trimmed the hell out of it. Leaving only the top leaves and the branches ( I believed that the branches may continue to gorw)

Anyway what should I do?

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Pinch those stems closer to the plant so it doesnt put energy into trying to maintain them. I'd leave them in the future and lollipop if necessary later on


follow the info on growweedeasy . com - make no adjustments. Nebula Haze rocks, she knows what shes doing.

Common mistakes most new growers make, including me at one time and still occasionally, is thinking our mini experiments will some how make things turn out better. My first grow I mixed a bunch of different soils and other crap I had around thinking surely I would hit the jackpot on my random soil mix. Nope