Diagnosis Requested


Hi. I'm a first time grower and although my plants look generally healthy, one has some patches of discolouration on a couple of the older leaves. I've been reading through all the guides and can't quite find anything that matches, especially when I then search for pictures of the various deficiencies and nothing looks similar. I'm thinking it may be manganese difficiency but would really appreciate your advice.Thanks


Do you think it could be overwatering? I try to let the soil dry out before watering again, but some pictures of overwatering look pretty similar


Well-Known Member
complete noob so take this sparingly... 1st pic to me looks over watered and burnt patches from water being on leaves (lights maybe too close)... 2nd one probably a deficiency... personanlly i'd hold back on feeding for a while but that's just from me a complete noob

more info will probably be needed, to get to the bottom of it

being looking through these forums daily so hopefully the information is being stored in my head


Well-Known Member
water burn imo. never spray water on leaves with lights on. its magnifies the light causing leaf burns.


Thanks. I didn't realise that and have been purposely spraying some of the water on to the leaves. Thanks again.


Any chance it could be a deficiency? I haven't started giving them nutes yet as I figured there should be plenty in the soil mix. On that plant, the discolouration seems to be spreading to the leaves on level up. I've ordered some Grow, Bloom, and Top Max nutrients, which should come in a couple of days.


In case it helps, I am using a DR60 tent, one 250W MH light, 50/50 soil mix of BioBizz and a tomato grow bag, and adding no nutrients at the moment, and only watering when the soil appears dried out. It's only affecting one plant at the moment but does seem to be getting worse. Oh, i'm on a 18/6 cycle and growing Power Africa. Thanks


Here are some new pictures of the younger leaves being affected. As it appears to be mobile, I'm guessing it's a nutrient deficiency of some sort but can anyone advise what? Thanks


Well-Known Member
PH is definately something to check out, just to make sure that you're in range.
have you assessed your tap water or asked anyone about it? say you feel like you have a stomach ache and you had a glass of water out of the tap, and see if anyone knows how clean it is. (I doubt this is the issue tho)
how recent did you put it under the MH? the plant may have gotten shocked from the new lighting, remember to always gradually put the plant under HID lighting.

dig your finger in the soil a couple inches and look for bugs or flies. this may also be your issue. Usually bugs tend to pick out the weakest plants and then spread when overpopulated.

another possibility is there are air pockets in the soil. Next time really make sure you fill any voids when filling it up.

Here's a good link that can help you https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/150004-plant-moisture-stress-symptoms-solutions.html this may be all that's happening.


Thanks Nizza.

I'm using tap water but was advise to let it sit for 24 hours before watering with it to disperse any chlorine (????). I haven't assessed it though. Do you mean by way of checking the pH or by other means? It certainly is fine to drink though as I drink it all the time.

I put both plants under MH, was previously under a 250W HPS but read MH was better for veg so switched. I did this one morning before the next cycle started.

I tested pH using litmus paper and it's hard to tell, but could be around 7/8 which I know is high. I may need to invest in something more accurate.

Dug under the soil and couldn't see any bugs or anything moving. And I packed the soil pretty well so there shouldn't be any gaps. Could the AirPot itself cause this stress by the roots reaching the air at the sides?

Thanks again


Well-Known Member
you have generalised nute def, feed them and watch them change, mj needs lots of food, tomato bag...? not a shallow flat plastic one I hope, I grow using organics, I make my own nutes.....seriously they need a little feed as I can see N hunger, K hunger and Ca def, good luck man


Thanks indikat. I've ordered BioBizz Grow, Bloom, and Top Max nutrients which should arrive today or tomorrow so I'll start feeding them then.

I'd heard the BioBizz soil was too strong so to mix it with something else. The only thing I had at that time was a flat tomato bag so did a 50/50 mix with that. Next time, I'll get the BioBizz lite soil as I've heard that's better, unless you'd recommend something else?

How do you make your own nutes? I've heard of making nitrogen nutrient by decomposing nettles in water but not of anything else. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Thanks indikat. I've ordered BioBizz Grow, Bloom, and Top Max nutrients which should arrive today or tomorrow so I'll start feeding them then.

I'd heard the BioBizz soil was too strong so to mix it with something else. The only thing I had at that time was a flat tomato bag so did a 50/50 mix with that. Next time, I'll get the BioBizz lite soil as I've heard that's better, unless you'd recommend something else?

How do you make your own nutes? I've heard of making nitrogen nutrient by decomposing nettles in water but not of anything else. Thanks
biobizz all mix is fine for young plants, the feeding schedule is a rough guide, the plants leaves are a better indicator......pots....SMART pots are what I will always use....nutes for flowering are expensive and lower quality than living nutes but makin your own is easy....INDIKATS FLOWER TEA...to a 5 gallon bucket of dechlorinated water.....one mug (I drink tea from a large mug so this is my measure...diff mug obv eeeugh)of earth worm castings, 3/4 mug of bat guano, 20 ml alg a mic, 5 ml grow (leave out I late flower), 2 tablespoons of organic molasses, bubble with airstone for 24 hours and feed at 1/4 strength.......cheap as old shit and a living tea which feeds the plant itself


Thanks again indikat. I'll look into making that for my next grow. Where can I find how much and how often I should be feeding my plants? I tried searching on here but it didn't work for some reason.


New Member
Thanks. I didn't realise that and have been purposely spraying some of the water on to the leaves. Thanks again.
If you want to spray use a drop of dish soap in your solution. You won't leave droplets on the leaves this way. A product like Wet Betty is formulated for just this also JAS


Well-Known Member
Thanks again indikat. I'll look into making that for my next grow. Where can I find how much and how often I should be feeding my plants? I tried searching on here but it didn't work for some reason.
the leaf should be your guide....keep them a rich vibrant shiny deep green then they wil be optimally nourished....they use lots of nutes so compost tea every day for mine....the mucus in the worm castings protects the roots somehow form burn so they can take heavy organic teas....read the leaf not the nute bottle


The funny thing is, the plant that is showing these patches is growing faster and looks better than the other one. I've started them both now on nutes so I'll post if things improve. Thanks for the advice everyone.