Diagnose Possible Issue With My Mastodon Please



These some pictures of my Emerald Triangle Mastodon (Master Kush x Bubba) in my backyard. It’s in a pot, in Fox Farms’ Ocean Forest. I’ve been using Botanicare Pro Grow all along, added Liquid Karma somewhat recently, and Call Mag very recently. We’ve had some very hot weather a few times this month... It always seems extra thirsty (soil drys out very fast). I was thinking maybe I’ve been over zealous with the nutes… I have a Cindy 99’ next to it and have been treating it the same, and it looks fantastic… Not a noob, but close it, any thoughts appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Most likely its the stuff you've been adding recently...how much cal/mag are you giving it per gallon? and idk the liquid karma...whats in that?