Can you diagnose this young plants problems?

hey guys,,. this is my first thread on here. I am a newb grower of about 8 months now. anve ive recently upgraded from cfl's to a 250 watt galaxy digital dimmable hps. I will get a metal halide bulb soon enough but a lot of people say vegging under an hps works with added stretching.. thats fine im topping anyways and im gonna keep these plants small.. this is simply my learning process. Ive never used expensive suggested soil like fox farms or a pro mix.. Ive just mostly, been using this 5 dollar bag of soil called kellogs.. it is the only organic stuff home depot sells..Yes this one really is organic...It has.. a ton of peat. .. natural nutrients and i dont know how much.. are.. worm castings. bat guano. kelp. chicken manure. and something else i believe, ive added a lot of perlite as shown.. I will probably try fox farms ocean forest next round thats what everyone's recommending but i hear its. 20 bucks a bag. thats not cheap .. ok a little quick history with me im no stranger to burning my plants with nutrients ive used some crappy nutrients and right now i have decent GH nutes and ive recently acquired the GH organic line bio thrive samples for free from my local hydro store.. just what i needed to. small amounts of everything is more than enough for me right gonna see how many pics it lets me post but im definetley including 1 pic of 2 clones i grew outdoor last summer in kellogs home depot 5 dollar soil.. These were not flushed as much as my indoor ones.. So im definetley assuming the plants used most of the provided nutrients in the kellog's patio plus soil , I also added some fish emultion during veg. plus a little flora nova bloom just a little""... and I used just flora nova bloom for blooming.. Have a look at the grape ape and oj master kush midget plants that were outside.. they were doing great.!! and my backyard only gets about 7 hours of direct sunlight per day and only in about 80 percent of the summer .. not into sept the sun disappears over the building..these clones are still young keep in mind.. 2 of them look normal the others kinda bad.. ive done better then this so far with vegging.. as u can see i had no problem with the 2 outdoor plants.. Ive done some indoor plants well with this soil too i had a sativa clone into flowering looking decent.. hopefully if i keep ph''ing and gettin it close as i can thatll help?. im hoping in only 1 week my oldest clone of only about 12 days will turn a bit more healthy.. my newer 2 clones look decent size. they were big when i bought them ide say theyve grown about 30 percent larger since i got them about 4 or 5 days ago so no complaint with them yet

Ok to my growbox.. Intake fan is a tower style desk fan lol.. hey it blows a lot of air in and its pretty quiet...It will not however last years im sure... My exhaust fan is also a tower fan which ive taped up and forced some of the air through the 4 inch duct... It does pull a decent amount of heat out.. its not very effeciant.. Im buying a 4 inch blower fan soon as i can ,.Little by little this stuffs not exactly what ide call cheap....circulation fan has large plastic blades its pretty powerful as u can see. i dont think its overbearing.. i usually run the circulation fan an hour on hour off... ive been experimenting with running it like 4 hours straight.. what do u guys think... 24 hour wind? or will that dry the leaves out?.. I recently started Phing i bought the GH dropper ph kit for like 7 bucks.. and i got the ph down. recommended by hydro store that's what ide most likely need..I think im watering kinda on the heavy side cause i was trying to get the ph right and ill kinda end up watering like 3 times and basically flushing it a bit before i can get the ph down enough.. god damnit lol.. .but yes drainage is even better than needed.. Ok let me get to the age of the clones.. the largest clone closest to the circulation fan is the oldest.. I got it about 12 days ago i think.. average sized clone.. started for about 3 days under CFL then i got the digi hps.. so its been under hps for about 9 days.. i put it in like a 2 gallon or larger.. it seemed to be taking off pretty slow i got ancy.. yea i knew being a newb.. I hit it with some heavy nutes.. i think i burned it ever so slightly.. i flushed about less than 24 hours later i realized i gave her to much like an idiot..I figured maybe the pot was to big to start it out .. so i trans potted it into a container thats about 3/4 of a aiming for small plants.. they will stay in these containers. The oldest clone i just mentioned and the other are the same strain. of indica ... honestly i dont remember the name of the strain its like sherashra.. something.. its completely middle eastern.. idk.. and the one with the funny big full grown leaf is the grape ape and yea i bought it like that with the big fuckin leaf..Here was the plan..I figured ide just flush these every 2 to 4 days when i watered.. keep in mind lots of perlite it drys out faster then most... I figured ide flush the native nutrients in the soil and just add. the biothrive veg nutes.. its got all micronutrients and stuff.. and im sure i wont be able to resist playing around with the other organic additives. especially the bio bud booster in flower.. Ok so theres 2 of a kind shera whatever plants.. and a grape ape which was also the strain i was growing outdoors in the kellogs. soil.........the oldest clone here on the left.. has been transpotted to a smaller pot.. i transplant carefully but im sure i stressed it.. its growing upwards again.. The soils been flushed with about 2 gallons or so of water and i added bio thrive veg...a light feeding... and cal mag.. and i got ancy today cause shes still so yellow.. i foliar sprayed with fish emultion. fanned the droplets off her a bit and then put her in the corner of the growbox where its most mild. cauase obviously direct under the arch tube is gonna be the brightest... yes i know foliar spraying and putting under the light is a bit dumb.. that might be why the leaves are kinda firm right now and sorta sticking upwards.. thats not a worry to me though
SO main things im noticing which im not much sure of is... purple stems shown in pic.. ive seen a lot of that in the sativas ive grown in this box and indicas alike.. I have a feeling its not right and they should be green. but ive read a bit on here that purple stems can be normal a lot.. idk im confused....The leaf discoloring is definetley not right Its like rough bumpy.. like a mountain range. and light yellow on the outside.. leaves that arent even that old are discolored.. shes still growing upwards Maybe it needs to dry out a bit more before the bio veg nutes start absorbing.? its been about 2 days... Oh i got even more ancy tonight and put some kinda strong strength fish emulsion near the stalk of my plant to hit right into the roots.. sorry ill try to be more patient but this growth is slow .. ive had faster under my cfls.... Please dont tell me hps doesn't work for veg cause ive seen pics of others hps all the way grows looking good..ill veg with metal halide next round. I plan on flowering in about 3 weeks or so.I plan to top these a lot.. I know i dont have much room before the tops start burning . Ive got a cheap digi thermometer there seems to work good,.. temps are about 78 to 81. humiditys about 39.. i think i got plenty of air moving in here.. i need a better exhaust before i un dimm my ballst and crank it to 250.. frowns.. blower fans are pricey..soon enough though its important.... I will take it easy on the nutrients for now..Out of the 2 indicas of the same strain which i cant really name cause its so middle eastern.. Im experimenting a bit.. leaving the more recently planted one dryer.. letting the soil get real light.. i almost watered tonight then figured meh it can go 1 more day ill see if it takes off.. so 2 clones have been flushed and veg nutes and cal-mag added... 1 more to go... before i flushed i couldn't even read the ph on the water coming outta this.. it was so murky...the ph' taking has been hard... even if i down my water to 5.0 i notice it still comes out 8.0 sometimes... my city tap water is around 7.0 .. I think it rises to 8 if i let it sit out and evaporate the chlorine... I have successfully gotten my ph down to about 7.0 seems like from then on it should be not quite so bad with the native soil flushed heavy.. now its just like empty peat and perlite ..with added nutes i think.. )outdoor plants featured by fence) grape ape left..untopped... OJ master kush right.. topped..

Ok so thank you very much for taking the time to read all that.. I have included some high resolution pics i took tonight. Can anyone give me a diagnosis of what the problem is.. Keep in mind those 2 outside plants featured were doing very healthy untill spidermites got them,,,. they were in kellogs soil feeding off the native nutes... I dont think this soil is really that bad when a lot of perlite is added. but im open for opinions.. Im aware this soil probably contains a lot of chicken manure cause its cheap but like I mentioned ive been flushing them a bit to leech out the native soils cause i wanted to make room for the bio thrive veg to be used right away.. my guesses.are.. complete nutrient lock out from crazy fluctuating ph.., or some kinda difficiancy.. i feel like atleast im not burning her.cause shes not all brown and crispy but those leaves are pretty damn yellow and the top ones are like dark green on the inside yellow on thje outside and the textures weird its not like how the leaves were when i just received the clone,there surely not looking right huh?.. and the purple stems and stalk.. Ive had purple stalks on a few plants before i think they tend to turn green when they mature more and head into flower. i think.... but the purple stays for a while.. .as u can see the stalk is very in certain parts on the stalk.. .. when i received the clones the stems and stalk were Not purple.

Thanks again guys please let me know if ur pretty sure of what the problem is.. I know my cabinet is not light tight... I will be duct taping it up more or using apoxy putty when i go into flower.. i dont think right now it really matters if a tiny bit of light leaks in there in the dark period (in veg)..whatta u think..



New Member
ok first off your light is way to far away from you plants there stretching secondly i read some of your post try to get your ph in around 6.5 to 6.8 your burning your plants with to much nitrogen i think the bio stuff and nora is a supliments ?? i see you got GH products. You want less nitrogen and more of the last 2 numbers on the bottle
Your goin to need to just flush your plants with water ASAP and prob water even second watering after i see you got access to a hydro shop then look for some greens , humex,
Also looks like some heat stressing your going to need more air movement in that closet

also your plants look stressed simmar down let them catch may take a week
the cabinet is not very tall it may look taller? its under 3 feet tall.. the bulb is only maybe 16 to 18 inches away from the tops of these young ones.. theres no burn marks whatsoever on top.. temps just about anywhere around the plants is 78 to 81 steady... my house is about 65 to 70 F. so i have the intake fan.. and the exhaust fan running 24 hours..the circulation fan i figure I will keep running about 12 on 12 off or maybe 16 on... its kinda powerfull and keeps the plants moving fast i think it may dry them out? humiditys only like 38. as far as the plants are too far from the light and they look heat stressed. im gonna have to disagree.. ive expiriemented already wit moving them closer to the light.. off and on.. a little faster growth speed is noticed but thats also gonna risk burning....They have some more to go in veg anyways and will get closerto the light before i top them probably 3 times to get them fat.. Im also guessing they are streching because im using hps instead of metal halide..I will purchase an MH for next run... these plants are just learning plants.. I dont care if i get an eigth off each of them.I am trying to learn to get my weed more quality.. Spidermites were often a problem.. flora mite here we come,.. I will be boosting my lamp up to 250 watts for flower. . and purchasing a nice 4 inch blower fan from the shop. And for the nutrients.. the bio thrive is a complete veg nute..its got all trace elements and what not... I have grown really successfull plants through veg with mostly just fish emultion.. notice those healthy outdoor plants? i didnt ph those at all same soil.. mostly fish emultion in veg. with a tiny bit of flora nova bloom also shown in pics.. 2 other clones are doing decent got them about 8 or 9 days later and potted those ones straight into these little black containers... keeping the nutes moderate.. biothrive veg complete nute.. suggests adding calmag.. so i added a little bit.. im aware that adding to much nutes even micro nutes can fuck the plant up bad.....grape ape and the other sherasharzl or whatever the fuck are both doing good.. yellowing at the top slightly as they try and root hard. i guess.. im hoping 1 of these turns out really good and maybe the others might kinda suck.