Design Your Grow Room to Prevent Pests!!

Pests are horrible! May it be double-spotted spider mites or aphids, they suck.

Here are some precautions I have taken, and I think every grower should take to prevent pests.
Some of this might seem extreme, but after having many problems with bugs, this is what it took to
make sure I wouldn't have any more problems.


Ducting: Make sure your vents (at least for intake, not so necessary for exhaust) have some kind of pest screen somewhat like this one. I'm sure it would be quite easy to just buy some mesh roll as well and tape it to the end of your vent. Even if you think your intake is somewhere bugs can't get to, you never know till
it's too late.

Air Flow: Include many interior fans! This is beneficial for many reasons. Your plants stems will get strong and be able to support those big colas! Also, bugs will not enjoy a situation where they have to fight for their life just to stick to a leaf, as well as preventing mold. I have also heard some say that it increases yield, but I have seen no evidence for this.


Door: There should only be one entry room to your grow room, unless you have a mass scale garden. The door should be light proof and fully sealed. It should be monitored and clean.

Entryway/Tunnel: It is often to see a grow room set up inside a room where it in itself is a separate room.
In this case many growers just leave the rest of the room open. This means if any bugs get in that room at all, they will most likely get into your grow room. A setup I once saw was located in a crawlspace, where the grower had dug a hole and built a sealed chamber for the grow room. The only problem was that you had to crouch ( he hadn't fully dug out a walkway from the entrance of the crawlspace to the room ) through 4 feet of the crawlspace dirt to the entrance. This tracked dirt, and no doubt bugs to the grow room. An easy way to make an entry way is just take a plastic roll and ring it around to the entrance. Make sure its sealed, and clean it often!

Hydroponics: Soil is a contributor in attracting bugs. An easy fix? Hydroponics! I recommend rDWC as it is what I use but do whatever you like, or just stick to soil. This step is in no way necessary :P but it helps.

Ladybugs! I don't actually use ladybugs, but they are a great natural way to help kill pests.

Keep Your Grow Room Clean: I wipe my growspace down between grows with normal clorox wipes. Also make sure you pick up all dead leaves&trimmings, and throw them away, or at least get them out of your grow room area!

CO2(Advanced): If you want to implement a CO2 system for the benefit of your plants, there is a plus other than your plants will grow better (supposedly, this is another one I haven't done myself) but also there is something us mammals kind of need to survive: oxygen. and if you're replacing the oxygen with CO2 in the room every once in a while, it will likely kill any bugs getting ready to rip up your plants. This is also great for if you are in flowering and dont want to spray insecticide on your plant.

Ever since I implemented these precautions I haven't had to pull out the neem.
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