Derealization Sucks....

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Well, lets look at the facts
-He feels constantly high, but in a bad way
-Detached from reality
-Yet, he still smokes

I think its the weed. It affects everyone different


Well-Known Member
and i was on meds for bipolar for years.. and my personal opinion is that meds don't always help.. sometimes they make things worse.. I used to get so pissed when it was time for my meds.. and hours leading up to it.. so when I hear all the talk about meds and shit, the first thing that comes to mind is shut tha fuck up followed by bullshit... followed directly by shut tha fuck up.... no offense to anybody... but I don't believe in medicine...

One tiny pill mixed with a combination of other tiny pills and larger pills isn't going to solve your problem... These differences have been around since the begging of man kind.. aslong as there's been two people there's always been two different chemical imbalances.. and you learn to deal with it.. you grow up, put your big boy underwear on and get over it... If you feel like you're detached it's because thats how you choose to feel... if you feel depressed.. it's because you choose to let it get you down...

Sometimes you just have to man up and say "though I feel this way, I wont allow myself to continue feeling this way"...

Do you think Napoleon felt like getting up and conquering kingdoms everyday? Do you think Alexander the great always felt great? Or was always feeling attached to those around him, or his emotions?Probably not.. but the difference between them and you, is they wouldn't allow it to keep them down...

Every person in this world has some level of "mental health problems" but yet a greater percentage gets over it and lives a normal life... not because there's ins't as severe as others.. but because they don't let it bring them down...

There's some exceptions... you know.. people that are skitzo and can't tell reality from fiction... who hear voices besides the one we all hear (whic I am starting to wonder is the same voice they just aren't ontop of their shit enough to realize the voice in your head telling you to kill 35 people for the Lord is actually their own) and the mentally retarded.. but the rest are literally all just in your head.. if you can change your line of thinking, you can over come your disability

And before you all start crawling my ass, remember.. I am diagnosed bipolar with severe depression... and they tried to diagnose me with some kinda (I know this is wrong but) inner (this is the part I know is wrong but it's how the word sounded to me) Mitten explosive disorder... and for years I thought.. that I would be this way forever.. so I tried to learn how to cope with it and ended up just waiting to die...

but then one day.. I was at the lowest I had ever been... I lost all my friends.. even the one I made the post about wasn't talking to me... I was walkin around with a cloud of my own funk engulfing me and keeping everyone at a distance... I didn't wanna be bothered and I sure as fuck didn't wanna be your friend... and I woke up one morning... and thought.. ya know... why am I allowing myself to feel this way? Why am I allowing myself to smell this way.. why am I allowing myself to be this way? This is YOUR life.. nobody else's... god gave it to you.. but it's not even his life to live... I've been places most people will never go.. I've seen things both bad and good, that most people will never see... I've set out and accomplished things that I always dreamed about... Yeah.. sometimes life has gotten the better of me... and i've lost everything I owned.. literally except the clothes on my back, the truck that I was driving and the computer I'm typing on... in reality.. I have lost things that some people may never have the chance to own, much less lose.. and I've been in situations that, I probably shouldn't have walked out of.. oblivious to the real dangers.. that more aware and better prepared people haven't... and like Frank, I did it my way... on my dollar.. with my resolve and my determination... and thats when I decided I wouldn't allow myself to be down about anything again..

I still get depressed.. but I turn on some music, turn it "up to 11" and remind myself of the good times, the bad times.. and the fact that i'm still here.. whole... and some people weren't so lucky... Some people, like my boy Chris... got to live through it... but didn't come out as whole as they went into it... I'm not the same person i used to be, like him.. but fortunately for me.. I came out a better person...

So who am I to sit around and fuckin cry because i'm alone? Hell.. some people have someone and can't hold them.. or like my brother.. had it.. and lost all of it quicker than he had it.. but he's happy.. he's got major brain damage and was in a coma for three months.. but he's happy... and it took that big of a change in his life, for him to get that way.. so who am I to sit around and waste the oppurtunity afforded to me, to enjoy this life while I can.. and while I can know better..

I know some of this got off topic alittle.. and i'm sorry for the long ass rant, spelling and grammatical errors.. i'm sorry if I offended anybody in the process.. but take it from someone who knows from first hand experiance... the only thing in this world that can make you a better person and change who you are.. is you.. you or one bad decisions and 15 seconds... sometimes it doesn't even take that much.. so be glad you have that opportunity to change.. and do it while you can... because if you don't.. god.. fate.. karma... whatever you wanna call it.. may make that change for you
I don't believe in all these medical diagnosis' for psychological problems.

If your depressed it's because you are not allowing your heart the openness it yearns for.

All depression is linked to closing and rejecting life

making any decision (constructive or destructive) causes you to grow. making no decisions will cause you to feel less alive and even regress to a previous point of maturity

ever notice how boring laying in bed all day is?


Well-Known Member
Well, lets look at the facts
-He feels constantly high, but in a bad way
-Detached from reality
-Yet, he still smokes

I think its the weed. It affects everyone different
everything affects everyone different. our brains are a never ending complexity.

i thought he said he quit smoking yet he still feels this way?

weed does cause you to detatch from least somewhat more than soberiety does.

if one says they have a better awareness while on weed, they are most likely lying. they probably just haven't been SOBER for such a long time that they forgot what it is like.

weed causes you to go more into your own head and put less focus on the environment around you


Well-Known Member
I don't believe in all these medical diagnosis' for psychological problems.

If your depressed it's because you are not allowing your heart the openness it yearns for.

All depression is linked to closing and rejecting life

making any decision (constructive or destructive) causes you to grow. making no decisions will cause you to feel less alive and even regress to a previous point of maturity

ever notice how boring laying in bed all day is?
I love to lay in bed all day.. the problem is when you lay in bed all day every day.. and you don't do shit.. hardley ever get fresh air and natural sunlight.. you don't interact with people.. and you're left with just your thoughts... you start to lose yourself...

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
He said he's taken week breaks.
Judging the way that sounds, he still smokes.
A week wont do it for you OP..give it about a month. You'll feel SO much better about yourself. Lets be honest, weed does fog up your sence of reality. It just makes you view things differently. And with you, it seems its doing that for the worst. Hope everythign works out for you


Well-Known Member
I love to lay in bed all day.. the problem is when you lay in bed all day every day.. and you don't do shit.. hardley ever get fresh air and natural sunlight.. you don't interact with people.. and you're left with just your thoughts... you start to lose yourself...
These are all other things you would be left without. Do you really love to lay in bed all day? I love sleeping, but not being awake while in bed. theres this little saying "when you're in bed, you're dead" . My point was that you make NO decisions. At least nothing significant. Maybe you decide to roll over to puke in a bucket, but that's it.

Decisions are the definition of life. When we don't make decisions we don't feel very alive.


Well-Known Member
He said he's taken week breaks.
Judging the way that sounds, he still smokes.
A week wont do it for you OP..give it about a month. You'll feel SO much better about yourself. Lets be honest, weed does fog up your sence of reality. It just makes you view things differently. And with you, it seems its doing that for the worst. Hope everythign works out for you
Yeah you really do need much longer than a week. Once people hit week two is when they start to relapse anyways...the two week hump is difficult, i hear. i've never quit for that long...don't need to. the most i quit for is 24-48 hours, unless i'm out of town.


Well-Known Member
i've dealt with this. it was prior to me ever trying weed. this isnt a weed issue, its a dissociative disorder. and its typically a symptom of anxiety. i had it for a LONG time until i got the anxiety in check. and i still detach if im in a really scary situation. do you have some anxiety in your life? i had a lot of this during the peak of my anxiety. i felt like i was in a bubble completely separated from everything...and sometimes i would look around and i felt like i was dreaming or like the things i was seeing were somehow not real. i would in a sense detach my consciousness from my body as a way to cope with the things around me that i deemed threatening. heres an article about derealization and depersonalization. as they're sort of similar, most articles are about both of them at the same time.


Well-Known Member
These are all other things you would be left without. Do you really love to lay in bed all day? I love sleeping, but not being awake while in bed. theres this little saying "when you're in bed, you're dead" . My point was that you make NO decisions. At least nothing significant. Maybe you decide to roll over to puke in a bucket, but that's it.

Decisions are the definition of life. When we don't make decisions we don't feel very alive.

lol... I been in bed all freakin day just wtachin movies, wishing I could sleep... I love to sleep.. I just have issue's waking up.. thats when the depression gets to me.. my anger goes unchecked and my attitude gets aaway from me.. so I stay awake as long as possble, dreading waking up...

I feel I slip so far down while i'm asleep that it's an impossible climb on a very unstable rope once I wake up.. that it's almost worth it not to sleep.. maybe I should get me an unhealthy addiction to all speeds? If only drug abuse were the

Oh, I forgot.. to some they are.. aslong as they're over the counter and prescribed by a qualified psycho who nine out of ten times on a fucin power trip that's unrivaled anyone


Well-Known Member
i've dealt with this. it was prior to me ever trying weed. this isnt a weed issue, its a dissociative disorder. and its typically a symptom of anxiety. i had it for a LONG time until i got the anxiety in check. and i still detach if im in a really scary situation. do you have some anxiety in your life? i had a lot of this during the peak of my anxiety. i felt like i was in a bubble completely separated from everything...and sometimes i would look around and i felt like i was dreaming or like the things i was seeing were somehow not real. i would in a sense detach my consciousness from my body as a way to cope with the things around me that i deemed threatening. heres an article about derealization and depersonalization. as they're sort of similar, most articles are about both of them at the same time.
Yes! That's exactly it. And I know I have really bad anxiety but I don't really want to go on SSRIs or benzos for it so I don't know what to do.

How long did it last for you? And how did you get rid of your anxiety?

I know it's not a weed related problem because i've taken an almost month break before and it didn't help.


Well-Known Member
lol... I been in bed all freakin day just wtachin movies, wishing I could sleep... I love to sleep.. I just have issue's waking up.. thats when the depression gets to me.. my anger goes unchecked and my attitude gets aaway from me.. so I stay awake as long as possble, dreading waking up...

I feel I slip so far down while i'm asleep that it's an impossible climb on a very unstable rope once I wake up.. that it's almost worth it not to sleep.. maybe I should get me an unhealthy addiction to all speeds? If only drug abuse were the

Oh, I forgot.. to some they are.. aslong as they're over the counter and prescribed by a qualified psycho who nine out of ten times on a fucin power trip that's unrivaled anyone
that is one side effect of depression...lack of motivation to get out of bed. mornings are VERY difficult. you need to find yourself a "get up and go" that you're really interested in.

why do you dread waking up for your day? it can be a little rough the first 1/2 hour sure but it feels really good to get up and get going. there's nothing to dread. experience of any kind is better than sitting in get out there and do something!

i feel like maybe you aren't really depressed, just a little lost.

what could you possibly have to be depressed about?


Well-Known Member

Sarah I'm really interested to hear your story cause I feel like I'm almost in the same situation as you.


Well-Known Member

Sarah I'm really interested to hear your story cause I feel like I'm almost in the same situation as you.
hey hun :) sorry it took me so long to reply to this, my computer got a virus and i had to take it to get fixed.

how did my derealization stop...well i think the pills might have helped to "snap me out of it" but (for me at least) they did more harm than good. i found therapy to be really helpful, but you might not need any therapy. you probably just need some things to do to help with your anxiety. one of the biggest helpers is "box breathing". its the best way i know of to quickly calm down anxiety. you have to really really focus on your breathing. what you do, is you inhale to a count of 4, hold it for a count of 4, exhale to a count of 4, hold again for 4 with no air in your lungs, and then breathe in to a count of 4 again. just keep doing that over and over and each time you cycle through, try to focus on slowing the breathing a little more.

another really good skill for battling anxiety is mindfulness. its one of the sections in the DBT (dialectical behavioural therapy) program. mindfulness teaches you how to be aware of all your emotions and thoughts, and how to control them. the skill i like the best for dealing with anxiety is "observe". what that teaches, is how to sort of take a step back from your self and just observe your thoughts and emotions almost from a distance (kinda like derealization but this time you have control over it). observe them, acknowledge them, and then let them go. and if the anxious thought comes back after letting it go, just notice it again, acknowledge it again, and let it go again. with practice this can get to be a really really useful skill. it helps you to see whats going on in your head almost like a 3rd party observer. it helps lessen the intensity of the emotions and helps to give you some room to breathe and a chance to really think about things from a bit of a distance. i hardly ever have issues with dissociation now. and im not on any meds at all...just pot :)


Well-Known Member
deep breathing is something people always forget to do.

try focusing on your breathing. inhale down your chest into your stomach while slightly pushing out with your abdomen. then exhale up your spine and and out your head. i guess you could do this either way but you can do this as normal breathing and no one will notice if you do it through your nose. try and do this for an hour with the goal being to unconsciously start doing it.

this really helps calm and focus the mind. i'm not sure of the scientific reasoning but i know from from a yoga/spiritual standpoint the value of full breathing. it's also a good technique to hold longer during sex. inhale down your chest push out your stomach and then flex your pelvic floor (the same thing you do while trying to hold pee in) and when you exhale bounce your breath off your pelvic floor (releasing the flex).

this goes great in conjunction with what Sarah called mindfulness. the skill observe i think she is referring to is observing ego. it's basically where you take a step outside yourself IN REAL TIME to analyze yourself. the challenge is being able to be present in the world while focusing so much on yourself. Like with everything, practice makes things effortless.

and Sarah has another point, there's no problem you can't handle. why? because even if you can't handle it (because you don't control it) you can drop it and come back to it at another time when you have more control. however, you always have control over your anxiety. it just takes this simple formula.

units (intensity) of anxiety x courage = units of confidence.

You are then REPLACING old anxieties with confidence. they are two separate containers that fill up separately over your lifetime (you can't feel both confidence and anxiety at the same time). they can be situational as well. That's why perhaps someone GENERALLY much more confident than yourself still might have more anxiety than you when it comes to certain situations.

Confidence of all kinds diminishes anxiety of all kinds. specific SURVIVAL of a situation awards LARGE AMOUNTS of CONFIDENCE to that situation, as well as some confidence to deal with all aspects of life.
