Denver Laws?


Curious as to what the law is in Denver for possession of 1 plant and under an ounce. Also what it is for possession of 3 plants with 3 ounces, and then 6 plants with 6 ounces?

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
Can't help you, but you reminded me of an old story so if I could hijack for a minute...
The Denver police hated the idea of a hippie haven in their city and had done all they could to stop the club from opening. Nothing worked. Helms was way too smooth for them and met all legal requirements. When the club finally opened, Helms and his people were subjected to a barrage of harassment and illegal searches. This prompted them to get a restraining order against John Grey, the rabidly anti-drug detective also known as the "Wyatt Earp of the West" for his promise: "I'm going to rid Denver of all long haired people."
It was Canned Heat's bad luck to show up just as the police figured they'd get one of the bands and the bad press and legal troubles would slop over on Helms. On Saturday night October 21, 1967, the police [. . . ]dispatched a stool-pigeon with some weed to Canned Heat's hotel to socialize a little and get the band high. The Bear swore that the band members (knowing the city's reputation) actually didn't have drugs with them that night.
It turned out the stool-pigeon was an old friend of Bob's -- Bear grew up in Denver -- so he trusted the guy, until he suddenly slid out the door and the cops came barging in to "discover" a lid of grass under the cushion of the chair where the "friend" had been sitting. They arrested everybody on charges of marijuana possession -- still a big offense in those days.
Skip, the one guy who did have drugs, wasn't there. He was in his room with a girl, but the cops went after him to arrest him anyway.
"You with that band?" asked the cop who knocked on the door.
"Uh, yeah," said Skip, who was wrapped in a blanket from the bed.
His girl was in a sheet
Standing on his night stand wrapped in tin foil was a flat chunk of rich dark brown Afghani hashish: it looked like a Hershey's bar.
"You're going to have to come with us and the rest of the band," the cop said. As they left, the cop said to the girl: "Sorry to bother you with this ma'am. But you can finish that chocolate bar all alone."
The only real dope in the place -- except him -- and he missed it.
The band was hauled off to jail after the search. A judge was not available to set bail until Monday, so the boys spent the weekend in the can. Larry -- who never got high -- was thrown in a tank with 50 drunks and no sleeping facilities. The bust was immortalized in "My Crime," which
tells the story best.

I went to Denver late last fall
I went to do my job; I didn't break any law
We worked in a hippie place
Like many in our land
They couldn't bust the place, and so they got the band
'Cause the police in Denver
No they don't want long hairs hanging around
And that's the reason why
They want to tear Canned Heat's reputation down.