Denver City Council


So, in essence, the City Council Amended the bill, removing the carve out for private property rights. This was done near the end of the meeting. If it stands, you can be fined up to $999 if anyone sees you smoke weed outdoors on your own property, if you can be seen from a street, sidewalk or highway.

Wow, sight crimes. It's not enough their going to be making MILLIONS in tax money, but they have to burden our police with silly laws? Really? Sour grapes from the minority, classic politics. Take a simple thing and make it complicated.

What I don't get is the frightened Mother's who just don't know what they'll tell their kids. How about the truth?

Better yet, if the kid is savvy enough to realize they are smoking something other than tobacco, don't they already "know"? What do you think you are keeping from them? It is the parent's overreaction to it that is what the kids key in on. If you treat it like any other medicine or alcohol and explain to your kids that it is for adults only, they get it. What is so hard about that?

The continued use of the false premise that marijuana use is BAD and should be punished is still in action. Our politicians are afraid of the vocal minority. I am guessing more citations will be doled out to ethnic minorities, just as before.

I am quite certain that if this passes as is, the City of Denver will be sued by the ACLU and others. What a waste of our money that will be.

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Jus Naturale

Active Member
As a former cigarette smoker in Denver, I know how onerous and stupid these sorts of laws can be. Shame on them all. I also think a lawsuit would have a hard time overturning this. Seems more an exercise of the local police power, best handled with a ballot.
