Democrats love gun violence!!!


Well-Known Member
imagine that, lower populated areas have lower gun violence, while higher populated areas have higher gun violence.

maybe they just need the miracle of GMOs to save them!

reported as spam.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Democrats, with blood up to their elbows while screaming that honest citizens should be disarmed is spam? Who knew?

A leading democrat insists that cosmetic features of rifles should make them illegal,while oodles and oodles of Dumocrat lackeys faithfully say "amen to that" and the rest of us are supposed to play along.

Ridicule is what you have earned and it is what you will get.


Well-Known Member
according to your map it says there is high gun violence in the county that i live in. there isn't................

do not understand.


Well-Known Member
had no idea that vermont was such a hotbed of gun violence.

louisiana actually has the highest rate of gun violence of any state, but that map sure doesn't show it.

add this to the list of thread fails by the senile and deluded OP, who just can't help but FAIL for our amusement.