Demand Some Answers!!


250 hps 20 inches away, I know better for flowering but I could only afford one

plants came out the soil 10 days ago

4th day cat destroyed them all, put them back in rockwool etc. , chewed off 2 tops seen in pic #2 will it recover???

5 to 6th day put under light 14 inches, noticed temps were getting up to 95-100 with the closet closed, raised light to 20 inches, added fan and now keep the door open. temp now 75-80

pic #3 is this from the excessive heat and will it recover??

pic #4 bottom leaves are just straight yellow, watsup with that???

pic #5 was healthy and just collapsed today dont know why?????

I water everyday each plant with 1-2 straw full of water, figured I couldnt over water this way

any help is appreciated thanx



Well-Known Member
over watering is not just about the amount of water its how often. you can give em a gallon of water at a time as long as you let the soil dry out before watering again. heat stress, moisture stress, soil...... what soil is it??? why rockwool in soil ????and take the wraping off the rockwool.. no one is obligated to answer you so do not demand anything
250 hps 20 inches away, I know better for flowering but I could only afford one

plants came out the soil 10 days ago

4th day cat destroyed them all, put them back in rockwool etc. , chewed off 2 tops seen in pic #2 will it recover???

5 to 6th day put under light 14 inches, noticed temps were getting up to 95-100 with the closet closed, raised light to 20 inches, added fan and now keep the door open. temp now 75-80

pic #3 is this from the excessive heat and will it recover??

pic #4 bottom leaves are just straight yellow, watsup with that???

pic #5 was healthy and just collapsed today dont know why?????

I water everyday each plant with 1-2 straw full of water, figured I couldnt over water this way

any help is appreciated thanx


Active Member
Pic #2, do you really need to ask?

If you keep the temp down, and the light far enough off them, the ones the cat spared will recover. Keep on just plain water until they get back on track and grow a few nodes.


soil is Roots Organics by Aurora, has a lil bit of everything which i mixed 30# of perlite, I started witht the rockwool. After i see the roots sticking out the bottom of the rockwool I put them in the soil and yes I removed the plastic. I wasnt too sure of pic 2 though maybe it would grow its top back roots were fine, and the title was just to get attention, I thank every1s input, been readin 30 hours a week for the last 2 weeks off this site lol and my ph is correct 5-6


i was going to buy Fox Farm OF or Happy Frog but the guy at the hydro store recommended Roots Organics becuase the other 2 are too strong for early plants, any input on this?