

I would not spray during flowering you don't want people smoking pesticide it taste bad and can ruin your crop . At 8 weeks If your having problems I would suggest either a pyrethrum bug bomb . or a shop Vac and just vacuum all those things off your plants .
Vacuum wont remove all them. Good idea though. What if I flush a couple of times?

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Well-Known Member
Dude you're 8 weeks into flower, you buds are already fucked, turn it into oil or something unless you enjoy smoking gnats or have no moral conscience and donate it to dumb asses that don't inspect the buds. Harvest and get rid of soil ASAP, clean yo shit and if you have anything in another room in veg I'd use Azamax as a soil drench and wait a week or so before moving anything into flower, Gnats I believe have less than a week life expectancy, just gotta kill off the larvae in the soil.


Well-Known Member
I would not spray during flowering you don't want people smoking pesticide it taste bad and can ruin your crop . At 8 weeks If your having problems I would suggest either a pyrethrum bug bomb . or a shop Vac and just vacuum all those things off your plants .
Unless you're growing hemp you aint getting em off the sticky icky icky buds!!


Well-Known Member
Gnatrol works well on the larva. Put some in your next watering, add a few of those yellow sticky traps, let the top couple inches of soil stay real dry, some people swear by the Hot shot pest strips, drenching soil with neem oil solution gets mixed reviews as to effectiveness. Anyway just try to keep them at bay a few weeks till you can harvest.


Well-Known Member
hang some fly strips, and let your soil dry a little more, i had to do that myself and it worked. some say to spread sand on top of your soil, but i have never tried it.