Dehumidifer water


Well-Known Member
Hey, gonna be starting a little setup shortly, 2X105 Watt CFL, 1X400 Watt HPS, Aero-Fogging system. I will be growing in my garage, and plan to construct a 6ft/6ft enclosure, ventilation, mylar reflection.... During the summer, I am going to need an air conditioner also, but I am wondering, can I use the water from the conditioner in the aero system? The PPM out of my tap is about 350-400, and distilled is too much $$$. Thanks, let me know

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hello Man

I am not sure I understand the question but the PPM from your tap is awfully high and could be a serius issue.. I have seen a PPM of 240 from the tap kill plants in an aeroponic set up... but I have also seen 300ppm tap water used for a hydro set up and the yield was huge...

Can you get a reverse osmosis filter? they cost about 100 bucks on line..



Well-Known Member
you could colect rain water. it would be cheep. just keep it in old milk jugs. or go to the local lake with a few jugs and fill them with water. if you live where there is snow melt some snow. lake water wouls probly be your best bet for cheep good water


Well-Known Member
Never thoght of the lake, I only have about 10lakes withing 20 min from my home.... Yeah the PPM from my tap is so high because I am in Northern Ontario, tons of chlorine in the water. There is a ton of snow also, thanks. But is the water from the air conditioner ok also? Thanks tons. Cheers