Deformed leafs?


Active Member
Hello, I tried my best to get some pictures, but its hard to focus with my camera (its a cheap digital) anyhow, my plant seems to grow some deformed leafs now and again. it's not every leaf. and there is no yellowing, but a leaf will just have a hole in the side of it or even look like its been torn a little., I mean its kinda weird. I never heard of something like this. Im gonna research it here in a few, but thought id ask and see if any of you experts had any suggestions. soooo thanks a bunch. I tried to circle some of the areas, of concern. thanks agains guys and girls



Active Member
really!!!! wow, because i seriously mist my plants!!!, the humidity is not that high here so I try and keep them moist... but that makes sense. thanks,


Active Member
no, the leafs just started growing like that. there are some other leaves that look that way... I think the water drops sounds like it might be the case... although on some leafs it looks like someone tore off a part of it... its really strange. I have another question if anyone wouldnt mind answering.....? I just recently switched to 12/12 and well... I suck at it... its usually like 13/11 just cause i forget. but I will get a timer soon... will this cause problems if its not exactly 12/12.


Well-Known Member
it needs 12 hours of dark minimum. if the light cycle is speratic and inconsistent it can cause hermies to show up.


Active Member
Pretty sure misting you plant is awful if the water is colder than the air u will put your plant into shock I am 100% sure you are never supposed to spray the whole plant you didn't shock you plant you just got holes in it.not to be a dick but everyone knows not to water the actual EFFIN plant water the root if the humidity is low get a humidifyer don't spray the plants ever