Definition of Resin and Kief ?


Active Member
My friend and I are having an argument about what Resin and Kief is. I did some quick google searches but I can't find a suitable answer

my friend says that the sticky shit in ur grinder that you have to scrape out from the walls is KIEF. I thought that sticky shit was called Resin, and that kief was just the fine, grinded up weed that falls to the bottom of your bag (high contentration of trichomes; very potent stuff). I realize resin is the tar shit you scrape of your pipe too, but I thought it encompassed more than that.


Well-Known Member
ok, kief is trichomes, the crystals on bud. what falls through your grinder prob has a little bit of plant matter in it, but mostly trichomes.
that is kief, not resin in the sense your thinking.... but it is resin from the plant, aka trichomes

the hsit in bowls is resin too... horrible stuff i must say


Active Member
How is the grinded up weed "mostly trichomes" like you say? that doesn't make sense to me. I would it would be like 70% marijauan 30% trichomes or w/e :\

So what is the fine grinded up weed (after processed through a grinder) called?

edit: So kief is synonymous to trichome?


Well-Known Member
im sorry, my grinder has a screen in the bottom thet the kief falls through... i assumed yours did too

grinded up weed is just grinded up weed

it takes about a quarter of primo stuff,, through the grinder to get a g of kief, which drops through the screen


bud bootlegger
Ok thats a key piece of knowledge right there. I was not aware some grinders have screens!
yes, and the openings in the screens as supposed to be so small so keep out most of the plant matter and only allow the trichomes to fall through them.. this is why kief is mostly all trics and not plant matter like you had thought..
pretty much the same concept that bubble bags work as well..


New Member
"Kif" are a mass amount of trichomes. I used to spell it "keif" too. It is turned into hash.
Resin is that crap that clogs your pipe or bong.