

Active Member
I'm in the 4th week of flowering, in organic soil I mixed and composted. The first 3 weeks went smooth, now I am getting a few of these a day on each plant. I think I am looking at phosphorus/ nitrogen deficiency and a few micro nutrients too. Can anyone confirm this for me?



Active Member
I bet your ph is off.
I highly, highly doubt that... The soil has all kinds of conditioners like lime, sulfer, EWC. I cooked the soil for a month and tested the ph along the way. It stayed between 6 and 7. I fill my reservoir up 2 days before I water and I aerate it with a pump and air stone. The day of watering I use ph down to get it to about 6.3 to 6.5. Used to even en electronic meter but I broke it so I am using ph strips from a bio lab, but they are pretty accurate.

I mean how far would it have to be off to cause that?


Active Member
ha Its not your ph. To give you any help we need the Npk Values on the nutes that you have been using. How is the growing environment temps ok?


Active Member
Temperature never goes above 80(mid day) never goes below 74(night) I cant give you an exact NPK but the ingredients I used were earth worm castings, blood meal, bone meal, rock phosphate, bat guano, alfalfa meal, kelp meal, lime, sulfur, peat moss, green sand, charcoal mykos. Then like a tbsp of epsom salt, and azos

I don't recall the exact amounts, I took like 2 bags of happy frog potting soil and dumped a bang of earth worm castings into it. Most of the products had composting instructions so I just went by those. For example it would say; For composting use 2 cups of bloodmeal per 50 pounds of compost. But since I was adding I shit ton of different ingredients I basically quartered the amount implemented in the directions. So like I added a half cup to a cup of blood meal instead of 2 cups. So I am worried there isn't enough food for them at this stage. They looked great when I first put them in the soil


Active Member
All right well seems like you have a little of everything so like yourself no idea what the npk of that soil is . SO my next question is have you feed them anything since. Or just potted them in soil and have let them go? IMO i would go ahead and give them some food with a high N to start if you have not been feeding. Something like dyno gro foliage pro 9-3-6 is a great food All though it could be something else. hope it helps


Active Member
All right well seems like you have a little of everything so like yourself no idea what the npk of that soil is . SO my next question is have you feed them anything since. Or just potted them in soil and have let them go? IMO i would go ahead and give them some food with a high N to start if you have not been feeding. Something like dyno gro foliage pro 9-3-6 is a great food All though it could be something else. hope it helps
If anything I will make a compost tea and give that to them. I don't want to use any kind of chemicals on this.

But they definitely want some food? Is that what you are saying?


Active Member
Its hard to tell from those photos, but i seem to see a little purpling of the branching that is usually a sign of Mag. Def. I also think that it could be a P def as well. going from that third to fourth week of flowering the plant is starting to understand that its time to flower so it is looking for P in abundance. i don't know if that mix u made is giving it all it needs in that department. i would try some Cal Mag and bump up my Phosphates and my potassium. the nutes in a lot of those mix are only good for the first couple weeks, by then the plant has sucked all the nutes out of the soil. Hope that helped and good luck. :bigjoint::bigjoint: