Dear White Supremacist


Well-Known Member
apparently educating yourself for 4+ years so you can get a better paying job is a form of entitlement now.
Wow talking about a better.paying job Mr that's his wife paid the bills until.19 years later could actually turn a profit groe8 NV weed... talking about needing an education Dumbass. And yes a racist yourself telling me have fun being black etc.


Well-Known Member
Why are you so mad. I have never raped your women. Every last one of them wanted to enjoy some BBC and were willing participates... nor I'm I trying to take over America. Hell from the blood, sweat, and tears of my ancestors this country was built.
It seems that you are very jealous of me and I fail to understand why. Why do you hate so ? Is it do to all your short comings ? Is it due to you lack of melanin ? Please help me understand why you feel the why you do. In the words of the late Rodney King " Can we all get along".

It seems like you need to learn how to laugh White Supremacist, so enjoy

What’s the difference between a racist and a bucket of shit? The bucket.

What’s red and white and peels itself? A white supremacist trying to get a suntan.

How many white supremacists does it take to change a light bulb? None – racists hate being enlightened

Why do white supremacists compete with others on the basis of color? Because if they competed on brains, they’d lose.
I have no issue with race, I do have an issue with folks running around calling each other nigga like it's a term of endearment. I wonder if they got a brief synapsis of the struggle there elders went thru just to be treated with s shred of dignity, would they be so ignorant,flippant with there bullshit? awenser?? yeah they would most likely wanna know why? It's the human RACE that's the issue not the color. If we got 20 rational mindsets in every 100 people do the math, we destined for failure! Walk on home boy!boxy brown.png


Well-Known Member
I have no issue with race, I do have an issue with folks running around calling each other nigga like it's a term of endearment. I wonder if they got a brief synapsis of the struggle there elders went thru just to be treated with s shred of dignity, would they be so ignorant,flippant with there bullshit? awenser?? yeah they would most likely wanna know why? It's the human RACE that's the issue not the color. If we got 20 rational mindsets in every 100 people do the math, we destined for failure! Walk on home boy!View attachment 3447436
your post is confusing to read


Well-Known Member
That man has been raped in prison im sure. All this ignorant diatribes about the blacks, you did all that ole boy to the native's MY ANCESTORS! Screw the blacks you gotta pay back the native's! this countries priorities are its downfall silly. When a black dude walks down my street i dont get scared i laugh at how ignorant they are at callin each other my nigga', i'm sure there elders are LOVIN IT! Blacks are just as racist as white's etc.


Well-Known Member
That man has been raped in prison im sure. All this ignorant diatribes about the blacks, you did all that ole boy to the native's MY ANCESTORS! Screw the blacks you gotta pay back the native's! this countries priorities are its downfall silly. When a black dude walks down my street i dont get scared i laugh at how ignorant they are at callin each other my nigga', i'm sure there elders are LOVIN IT! Blacks are just as racist as white's etc.
could you give example of this black racism and how it has had an affect on your life


Well-Known Member
That man has been raped in prison im sure. All this ignorant diatribes about the blacks, you did all that ole boy to the native's MY ANCESTORS! Screw the blacks you gotta pay back the native's! this countries priorities are its downfall silly. When a black dude walks down my street i dont get scared i laugh at how ignorant they are at callin each other my nigga', i'm sure there elders are LOVIN IT! Blacks are just as racist as white's etc.
This statement is extremely ignorant.
You dont even make a point, just babble.

Why do we need to forget the "blacks" in order to remember the natives?
Natives are just as racist as blacks and whites, so what are you sayin.....bruh.
Didnt the natives get paid back?

Indian reservations?

But wait they are not even Indians, so they must be ignorant for living on an Indian reservation and having casinos and all the benefits of being an "Indian".

You guys with this race crap is so funny, you cannot can even prove that race is real.

Dont you think dna research would have found the "black" gene or "indian" gene or whatever by now.


Well-Known Member
You do alot of finger pointing here, You feel the need to comment on everyone's opinion and that's fine but when you start name callin folks your just being exactly what your claiming others to be, so thankyou but no thankyou. Ive seen your rants on other threads, i wont dignify your bullshit with response's anymore, just know your very, very special!


Well-Known Member
You do alot of finger pointing here, You feel the need to comment on everyone's opinion and that's fine but when you start name callin folks your just being exactly what your claiming others to be, so thankyou but no thankyou. Ive seen your rants on other threads, i wont dignify your bullshit with response's anymore, just know your very, very special!
I point out racism, elitism, classism, sexism and any other b.s. I can prove is b.s. if that is name calling to you, then apparently you dont understand.
Is your signature supposed to be a joke or something?