Day 94 and STILL GOING!!!!


Active Member
So about 6 months ago I did something really stupid. I got my good seeds mixed up with some crappy bagseeds and had to grow them all out because it was all i had and i didnt want to order more.

So I grow them out, save the females, take some clones to hang on to, and flower them. Out of the 8 plants I had, five were my good White Widow seeds, and three of them had a lot of sative in em. Two of the sativas I reconized as my Northern Lights x some unknown sativa that finished in about 12 weeks. A long time for sure, but worth it imo.

This other one though must be some of the unknown bagseed because Its on day 94, thats right, 94, and its still producing NEW pistils. On day 94! The weirdest part to me is that parts of some buds are clearly done, but then right next to them they have new pure white pisitls just starting to appear in that very sativa like fashion. It looks like it would just continue to bud for as long as i let it. Very few fans leaves have started to yellow, and new bud "shoots" are still growing.

I had to chop some of the bud because it was growing into my wall and light, and I just didnt have the room, but when I checked the trichs they looked about 95% couldy with 5% amber. The smoke was actually pretty good for being uncured. Im not really complaining because the buds on this lady are getting HUGE and make for nice smoke, but I need the room for plants that will flower in half the time now that I have good clones of my good seeds.

I have never grown pure sativas before, but i was under the impression that 14 weeks was about the max for any strain. I thought I had heard somewhere that some strains will go a lot longer if they aren't pruned properly, but I couldnt find a source for that so I dunno if my brain just made it up or what.

Anyone else experience anything like this? Should I try to trim the new bud shoots or what? Maybe Im doing something thats prolonging their growth, but I cant figure out what, and my White Widow that is in the same room seems to be growing as fast as it usually does (the 5 week old WW looks like it will finish before the 13 week old sativa).

Ill try to get a pic up later if I can, but my camera is MIA at the moment.

Im just real confused, any help would be awesome!


Active Member
Yea i have a similar problem I have a plant that's about 70 days in flowering its got about 95% hairs white, 5 ember. Its quite odd and it was bag seed as well. Anyone know how much longer my baby will keep growing?


Well-Known Member
white hairs don't matter,the trichs do!!!I harvested mine and mine was still almost all white so don't go by that...If you don't have magnifier,pull a little bud off and dry it and tryit and see what kind of high you get...Thats my suggestion!!!Happy tokin


Well-Known Member
I read last night, I'll be damned if I can find it again, about sativas having different needs to encourage finishing. Like, if indicas are signaled by shortening light cycles, then the sign to a sativa would be decreasing nutes. Or vice versa. Not only am I a noob, I have CRS, too. I think I was Googling a combo of "stretch," "flower," and "sativa." If anyone knows what the f I'm talking about, give me a clue over in my journal? Thanks in advance!

ETA: I found it and added it, for future ref, to my journal. My CRS isn't as bad as I thought: according to motaco at icmag, the secret to encouraging sativa to finish IS in reducing nutes, specifically "N." Hope this helps!


Active Member
cool, thanks, ill have to try that, although im kinda tempted to just let it keep flowering for awhile and go for some enormous buds. Ones already the size of a football, and it looks like itll keep on goin.

If I didnt have clones in need of a home, Id let it flower as long as it wanted lol.


Active Member
maybe if u also decrease the light cycle by a couple of hours(14off-10 on)that might encourage it to finish,sativas originated near the equator where the light naturally stays about 12and12 year round,so maybe a little longer nights will help

uk WeeD

Well-Known Member
if you keep flowering it, it will eventually turn into a hermie - which you obviously dont want.


Well-Known Member
when you buy beans next time get the greenhouse seeds that are colored so you know what is what lol..j/k it comes in handy if you buy a mixed 5 or ten pack and drop them when opening the pack or if you germ them all together you'll still no who's who, neat little shit that can come in handy:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I have the same problem.I have no fucking clue when to harvest mine.
Im just going by what a 4,000+ posts member said.
Its a sativa.
The leaves are yellowing.the buds are leaning.
There are about 10% red hairs.
the trichs look ckear/cloudy to me.
I am pretty nervous that i will harvest too late.
its been flowering for 10-11 weeks now and don't mind the 2 month veg.
It is taking for-EVEErr!!


Well-Known Member
Congrats, flow! At 94 days, a football size bud is an apt reward for your patience! :clap:

slowtoke, nice grow guide. How often have you grown DPoison and how long would you expect 2 horizontal (LST'd) babes to complete under 150w HPS? You've never had to reduce your "N" to get it to finish? You are more than welcome to comment in my journal (so I can keep track). Thanks in advance.