Day 70 and slow growing


Well-Known Member
The long tubes are used for vegging, primarily. Their warm light isn't as good as the CFLs. Once you have the cardboard white walls up, you should notice a big difference. Get it all staked, though, because you will get weight. :) Do you have bloom nutrients?

I'll be looking into the seaweed, too. :)

all day

My 2 cents is you need at least one more cfl on top and maybe 3 going around the sides. That plant is severely "under lit"..


Active Member
also I just noticed that you're grow room is very dark. Use white paint or foil(dull side out"
Oh yeah. All these fixes being mentioned are SUPER inexpensive and really quick. You could make a small project out of it for the night and call it a party! Just pick up a few CFL bulbs from Wal-Mart. They have the Sylvania ones in 6500k (veg - 18/6), or they have the Smart Value brand for like $7 in the 2700k (flowering - 12/12) and you get 4 of them. Grab a surge protector (with an 8ft cord), a converter (that goes from a house outlet on one side, to an outlet to screw in a bulb).

Then you can grab some of those Y-splitters if you want, that will allow you to add more bulbs to a surge to allow for maximum watts & lumens per sqft (you're aiming for approximately 3k-5k lumens/sqft or so). Also, those black plastic ties will come handy, the ones that have a small loop on one end, and you put the other end through the loop end and it locks. Hmmm, not sure what they're called, but they're super dooper handy. You can use those to secure your bulbs as they will just be hanging there from the surge suspended in the air. All of this is in the same general area at Wal-Mart, and I highly recommend using cash for your transaction.

Grab some cheap chain in an aisle over, and if you want, a Brinks digital timer and you're set.

Look into the seaweed, and when you get ready to flower, hit up some organic molasses (give it until you're about 3 weeks into flowering for that stuff though). When you're ready, give it 1 tbsp of molasses per gallon, once a week. It will fatten up your buds hardcore.

Make sure you flush before flowering with good pHed water. You can use gallons of water from your local grocery store. Use the pool strips to pH different types of water (spring, drinking, filtered, etc.) Just grab the various kinds, whatever has 0 chlorine, and a pH at around 6.5 is perfect. Go with that to flush your girlies a week before flower, and then again 2 weeks before harvest and that will help prevent any pH problems.

Molasses with seaweed and pH water on Monday... Nutes with seaweed on Wednesday... Straight water with seaweed on Friday, and you're good to go! You can use the seaweed with every feed. Your plants will only thrive.

I read wayyyyy too much. Haha. But yeah, all this info should help. Definitely listen to these other folks when they say increase the light. Keep those lights about 1.5in from the plant, check on them a couple of times a day to make sure it's not getting burnt because they grow quickly. You can use the surge method, or just straight up drop some lights from extension cords. Whatevers clever.

Happy growing! You'll do just fine. Keep reading, doing research, and most of all... be patient with your girlies. The last 2 weeks of their life is when their buds fatten the most, so give them time and READ BEFORE you do ANYTHING! That is my best advice.

I do not grow. I just know a lot from reading.