Day 5 of Flowering - Should I adjust my feeding?


Active Member
I'm growing 3 plants with Technaflora nutes, in pro mix HP under a 600w HPS. I heard using the amounts recommended on the bottle can burn plants pretty badly. Right now I'm adding at 1/2 strength, with 1/3 grow and 2/3 bloom.

I adjusted the formula to a Ph of 6.6. 483 ppm. Should that number be higher? Lower?
I don't want to starve the girls, but I don't want to burn them either. Is what I'm feeding them sufficient? I added the 1/3 grow to try and help with any N deficiencies in the first couple of weeks.

In short, I'm sort of retarded when it comes to all the technical shit involved with growing, so if anyone can help, and tell me if I'm doing something stupid I'm unaware of, I'd appreciate it very much.

On a better note, one of my plants is starting to show sex. It's a girl! :D



Well-Known Member
I use GH nutes and like to be in the 750 - 800 ppm range at this point. You might want to add a bud enhancer like OpenSesme or something.


Active Member
So should I still use 1/2 strength? Or just increase the amounts a little till I get to 750-800?


Well-Known Member
The plants look good. You do want to bump them up using the same ratio so it would be more like 60% strength.

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
Increase the dosage about 20% till the end of the week. Next week add 20% more.
You also need to adjust the ratio so they get more nitrogen. The first three weeks of flowering , the stretch, they still use a lot of nitrogen. I don't switch to flower nutes till about 17-18 days into flower.
Your Ph is way high. Promix grown plants like it around 5.8-6.1 That's the sweet spot, though it doesn't have to be that precise. Anywhere from 5.6 - 6.3 will do.