Day 27 flower! Let me know what ya think

Milo 420

Well-Known Member
There is 18 in a 10x10x8 grow tent with 4000 watts it is very hard to get in there lol but it seems most bud sites are getting a pretty decent amount of light I was gonna run 6000 watts in there but I couldn't keep it cool enough


Active Member
There is 18 in a 10x10x8 grow tent with 4000 watts it is very hard to get in there lol but it seems most bud sites are getting a pretty decent amount of light I was gonna run 6000 watts in there but I couldn't keep it cool enough
And you consider yourself a noob?!? Lol I don't think so. That sounds like a serious setup! Great work man

Milo 420

Well-Known Member
Lmao thanks guys! Well there is a couple reasons I think they are doing so good this may be my first big grow (I did 2 ghetto grows when I was younger one with a Walmart grow light and one outside on accident, that's another story lol) but I did a lot of research for months while I lived in Missouri, not legal state(a lot of reading from RIU reason I joined :) because I was moving to Rhode Island, medically legal state moved just for that reason and the other reason I would say is this may be my first grow but not my first go around with marijuana I know so much about weed itself it's ridiculous lol!

Milo 420

Well-Known Member
Here's some close up pics of the buds they seem s few of my hairs are strating to change color and you can start seeing the actual buds20150902_134951.jpg20150902_135022.jpg 20150902_135034.jpg

Milo 420

Well-Known Member
20150904_175442.jpg 20150904_175516.jpg 20150904_175504.jpg 20150904_175451.jpg 20150904_172641.jpg 20150904_172530.jpg 20150904_172159.jpg 20150904_162757.jpg UPDATE! Day 29 I had to post cause these things are just exploding in size and the smell is very potent I just started to LST some of them to more evenly spread the light across the plant I actually broke one pretty good but it'll be fine 20150904_172049.jpg

