DARWINS HEAD STASH-- just arrived


New Member
Oh by the way to reply to d.s.m.'s comment there are no third world country chemicals in Darwins Headstash... like I said in the other thread it is 100% American made. All ingredients are sourced directly from American growers or manufacturers. If you guys want pics I can post some pics of DHS or you can see exactly what it looks like at darwinsheadstash.com
Order some free samples with that promo code guys!


Well-Known Member
Oh by the way to reply to d.s.m.'s comment there are no third world country chemicals in Darwins Headstash... like I said in the other thread it is 100% American made. All ingredients are sourced directly from American growers or manufacturers. If you guys want pics I can post some pics of DHS or you can see exactly what it looks like at darwinsheadstash.com
Order some free samples with that promo code guys!
Can you prove it, or would that mean giving up your "trade secrets"?


New Member
It would give up one of my suppliers. If you don't believe me that's fine, but I am an honest guy and wouldn't lie about something like that.
- Alex


Well-Known Member
I would think obtaining actual jwh powder and snorting it would have alot better effects, not that im recommending anyone to do so. There is a RC , HU-210 if memory serves right, 800 x more potent than thc , this is what you need too get not this jwh. Also dimethocaine is pretty good too.


Well-Known Member
ive signed up and ordered the free trial baggie, lets see what this is all about

can someone please post a picture?


Well-Known Member
the picture on the website looks like cat nip in a mortar/pedestal

anyone know how big the trial baggie is? 1/2g?


Active Member
i just smoked some of this stuff its pretty potent. took about 3 good bongrips and im pretty stoned.


Well-Known Member
i got mine just a few shot days after i ordered it. it came in a discreet envelope, a folded piece of paper and a little baggie.

i smoked about half of it in a little join with a friend. ill say it tasted better than mids, but the "high" wasnt more than a head spin you could get from a tobacco high or lack of oxygen . all in all it was wort trying and the smoke was pleasant tasting

i have a bit left, ill either roll it up with some real bud or smoke another small joint

Ramen Shaman

Well-Known Member
Ordered my trial bag a couple weeks ago...still hasn't come. What's up with that? Gonna go check the mailbox again. I'm out of bud, and I'd really like to give this a try.


Well-Known Member
I dont know if it got me high or not.I put it in a paper and still needed some space filled so i put some swag in with it.Caught a little buzz.It isn't worth $10 a gram i know that.
Hey I might be a new poster but, I got some a few days ago. Only half a gram and I got stoned like 5 times. A strong indica-like stone too. It lasted at the least a hour and the most 1-2 hours. It is worth $10 a gram. It's worth $20 a gram imop! Compared to other herbal incense I've already tried.(RedxDawns Spark 20 & 30)
I don't know why it didn't work for you guys. Idk, mabye because I used it in a bowl. I have no clue, it works for me though. Free Samples, this guy is awesome, who else is giving free samples?? He has made a regualar costumer here. I joine these forums just to post this! Because this works for price of mids! I hope more people try this product and it works for them. Because this price is the best.
The sent isn't all that good as other products I tryedd. But the Aroma is just as good or better, it all matters if you like indica or sativa high. IDK It's a good product -For Real-